14 Uses Of Lemon For Health And Beauty

Lemon can be used in many ways, both externally and internally. It contains valuable vitamins and minerals and is therefore very beneficial to health. 

14 uses of lemon for health and beauty

The lemon is very popular worldwide because of its health-promoting effects. There are many uses  of lemon.

This citrus fruit can be combined with a wide variety of ingredients  and is therefore widely used in gastronomy.

But the lemon  is also wonderful for health and is used in numerous beauty products.

It is also inexpensive, so it is always worthwhile to have lemons at home and to take advantage of their numerous advantages. Then you will find various tips for using it to promote your health and beauty.

1. Strengthens the immune system

Strengthens the immune system

Lemons are known to contain a lot of vitamin C, but they are also characterized by vitamins B and E, minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, zinc, iron and magnesium.

So it is an excellent food that can strengthen the  body’s immune system and then prevent disease.

2. Spots on the skin

Vitamin C has a strong antioxidant effect and helps prevent premature aging from sun exposure. In addition, vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen, which in turn works against skin spots.

3. Lowers high blood pressure

Lemons are high in potassium and low in sodium, so they help to expel fluid retention that has a negative impact on blood pressure.

4. Bleaches the nails



The minerals and vitamins contained in this citrus fruit strengthen the nails and help against discoloration.

5. Lemon aids digestion

This delicious fruit contains active ingredients that increase the production of saliva and gastric juice, thus promoting digestion.

It has an alkaline effect and thus helps against over-acidification of the whole organism  and also with the removal of accumulated pollutants. Lemons then also prevent constipation.

6. Helps against oily hair

Without attacking the natural oils in the hair, the lemon regulates the pH of the scalp and can then eliminate fats and prevent problems with excessive dandruff production.

Applying a few drops of lemon juice provides the hair with vitamins A, B and C and gives it more shine and vitality.

7. Fights acne

Lemon has astringent and antibacterial properties and is also good for acne as it reduces excessive sebum production, fights bacteria and thoroughly cleanses the pores.

After using lemon, however, do not expose yourself to the sun, as this could result in skin spots!

8. Exfoliate for the skin


Since the lemon, as already mentioned, cleanses pore-deep, it is wonderful in combination with other ingredients such as salt and olive oil for a skin peeling.

Mix all three ingredients, then apply the scrub to the skin with gentle, circular massage movements. This is how you can remove dead skin.

9. Lemon metabolizes fats

The acidity and nutrients in lemon help oxidize and eliminate fats, including those that cling to arterial walls and cause cardiovascular disease.

10. Neutralizes bad odors

The citric acid and the strong smell of lemon act like a deodorant when applied to the skin and then help against bad body odors.

11. Detoxifies the body

The juice of one lemon mixed with a cup of lukewarm water helps the body detox. This mixture supports the function of those organs that are responsible for cleansing the body.

12. Prevents varicose veins

Decreases-the-varicose veins

The lemon promotes blood circulation  and thus also helps against varicose veins.

It works even better in combination with garlic and olive oil. Simply squeeze the garlic cloves and mix with lemon juice and olive oil.

13. Improves eyesight

Thanks to the antioxidants it contains, lemon can also  improve eyesight and prevent degenerative diseases (e.g. loss of vision or cataracts).

14. Soften the skin on the elbows and knees

The skin in these two areas of the body is thicker and dries out easily.

To remove dead skin cells and provide the skin with moisture, we recommend a mixture of lemon juice, olive oil and sugar for a special peeling.

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