3 Exercises To Help You With Osteoarthritis In The Knee

Osteoarthritis in the knee is accompanied by great pain and inflammation of the joint. Failure to treat this condition can cause rapid deterioration. In order to improve your symptoms, we will show you a few exercises that can be of great benefit to you.

3 exercises to help you with knee osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis in the knee is a degenerative disease that affects this joint and is particularly common in older women. It is the result of progressive wear and tear, as well as the loss of cartilage tissue.

In this article, we will introduce you to some exercises that can help if you have knee osteoarthritis. With patience and discipline, one can definitely alleviate this inconvenience and slow down the deterioration a little. Read on!

About osteoarthritis in the knee

Osteoarthritis of the knee can cause hindrance and restriction of movement, although it should be noted that the symptoms and severity of the disease vary in each person. However, what is already known about it is that it will deteriorate progressively over time.

In a first stage, the affected person begins to suffer from pain, which becomes more and more severe, especially when they are physically active. A feeling of stiffness and inflammation may also occur.

Is there any treatment?

Treatment of osteoarthritis

Treatment also always depends on the intensity of the symptoms. It ranges from medication to surgery. Medicines can relieve some symptoms, but cannot completely cure the disease. Because of this, it’s especially important to look for complementary techniques that can help us relieve the pain.

It is also important that the person is not overweight, as this is associated with great pressure on the knees. This can be achieved with regular aerobic exercise and a balanced diet.

In addition , changes must be made to physical activities that can be harmful from the movement itself or from persevering in the same posture for too long. You can also use knee pads.

Exercises That Can Help You With Knee Osteoarthritis

Some exercises, performed under supervision or at home, can produce good results for knee osteoarthritis. However, it is important to do these exercises regularly. As soon as you stop doing it again, the success you have already achieved is lost again after about 6 months.

1. Stretching the thighs

Stretching to help with osteoarthritis

This stretch should always be done after the movement, i.e. with the muscles well warmed up. For example, you can do this exercise when you come home or after a walk. This first exercise we’re showing you today combats stiffness and helps expand range of motion. Likewise, this simple exercise can reduce pain and the risk of injury.

  • First, lie on your back on a mat.
  • Then pick up a rubber band or blanket and wrap it around one of your feet.
  • Keep the other leg bent and stretch what you are holding by the foot as far as you can. Make sure that the tip of the foot is stretched towards your body and upwards.
  • Stretch for about 15 seconds, or longer, and then repeat this exercise on the other leg.
  • Repeat this exercise twice with each leg.

2. Stretching the calf

Stretching the calf to combat osteoarthritis

To relieve osteoarthritis in the knee, it is very important to exercise and stretch your legs well. By strengthening all the muscles around the knee, we can make the work of the knee joint easier. Therefore, in this second exercise, we will focus on the calves.

  • While standing, prop your hands against a wall at chest height.
  • Bend one leg and move it closer to the wall. The other leg is stretched out on the floor. You should feel a stretch in your calf here when you press against the wall.
  • Hold this stretch for 30 seconds, then do the exercise with the other leg.
  • Repeat this exercise 3 times with each leg. Ideally, you park this exercise once a day.

3. Strengthening the thigh muscles

Strengthening the thigh muscles to fight osteoarthritis

In this final exercise, we will focus on strengthening the hamstrings. This large muscle acts as an important stabilizer for the knee. 

  • Lie on your back on a mat with one foot on the floor with your knee bent. The other leg is straight.
  • Take a rolled up towel and place it under the knee of your straight leg.
  • In the next step, tense the thigh muscle by exerting pressure on the towel.
  • Hold this pressure for 5 seconds and slowly and carefully release it.
  • Relax for a few seconds and repeat this exercise up to 10 times.
  • Do this exercise with the other leg as well. You can practice it two to three times a day.

These 3 exercises are very easy to do and will help you move your knee while relieving inflammation and pain. In this way your legs will gradually be trained and you can see a significant improvement when combined with regular physical activity.

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