4 Ways To Drink Green Tea

Green tea tastes very tasty and is also very healthy, but you shouldn’t overdo it.

4 ways to drink green tea

Green tea has become indispensable for many. It tastes delicious and has many health-promoting properties. You can order green tea in almost any restaurant or café, and many make it at home every day.

Not only can you burn fat and lose weight with it, this delicious drink can do a lot more.

You can use tea as a substitute for coffee, because the caffeine it contains is gentler and longer than that of coffee. In addition, green tea is rich in antioxidants and vitamins.

However , in the long run it can get boring to only consume green tea as a brewed drink  . The following recipes can add some variety. 

Preparation of the basic recipe for green tea


We start with the most traditional form of drinking green tea. If you’re new to drinking green tea on a regular basis, this recipe is a great place to start.


  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • 1 spoonful of green tea (5 g)


  • Heat water on the stove. The water should not reach the boiling point. Just before it comes to a boil, remove the water from the stove.
  • Brew the green tea with it and then let it steep for a maximum of 3 to 5 minutes. If the brewing time is too long, the tea can develop a bitter taste.
  • Then strain and consume. Alternatively, you can add a few ice cubes if you prefer it fresh.

Alternative ways of making green tea

Now you’ve already learned the easiest way to make green tea. But there are also many other very tasty combinations. 

1. Green tea with lemon

Lemon green tea

This combination is excellent. Lemon is known for its antioxidants and the vitamin C it contains. It is also very popular in weight loss diets.

For this reason , lemon combined with green tea is ideal for losing weight or improving the complexion. 

  • All you have to do is add a little lemon juice to the basic green tea recipe.

2. Green tea and avocado shake

Green tea provides a lot of energy and is unsurpassable in combination with the health-promoting fatty acids of the avocado.

  • To prepare the shake, you process half an avocado with half a cup of green tea in the blender and then enjoy the drink.
  • We recommend drinking the shake in the morning or at noon. This is how you get the most out of it.

3. Green tea with chamomile and anise

If you have indigestion, this is one of the best options to finally get rid of it.

Chamomile promotes digestion and relieves abdominal pain and bloating. Anise, in turn, reduces inflammation.

When you combine both ingredients, you get a natural digestive agent. This can help prevent weight gain. 


  • 1 liter of green tea
  • a spoonful of anise (10 g)
  • 1 spoon of chamomile (10 g)


  • Heat the green tea and before the water comes to the boil, add the aniseed and chamomile.
  • Reduce the flame and let it steep for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Then drink immediately.

4. Green tea with mint and ginger

This combination tastes delicious and is therefore very popular. The mint gives the drink a very fresh taste.

Ginger also promotes fat burning and activates the metabolism. It works in a similar way to green tea.


  • 1 liter of green tea
  • a spoon of mint (10 g)
  • 1 small piece of fresh ginger
  • 2 ice cubes

You just have to process all the ingredients together in the blender. This is the best way to enjoy the benefits of this healthy drink.

The best times to drink and benefit from green tea


We have presented you with various recipes, now it’s about the right moment to enjoy them.

You want to lose weight

The best time to drink green tea is 20 minutes after every meal. In this way, the tea helps burn excess fat so that the body doesn’t even get it from food.

You want to get more proteins and minerals

It is best to drink the green tea right before meals. This can increase the absorption of magnesium, vitamins C and E.

On an empty stomach

If you have a habit of drinking coffee on an empty stomach, you’d better replace it with green tea.

The green tea has a similar effect, but is not as aggressive on the stomach. The numerous advantages of this drink can also be better used in this way.

Some final details

While it is quite certain that there are many health benefits to consuming green tea, it should not be overdone.

  • The recommended dose is  a maximum of 5 cups per day, in  which case coffee is not recommended. When you have a cup of coffee, you should drink less green tea.
  • If you suffer from tachycardia or high blood pressure, it is also not recommended to drink more than 2 cups a day. You should also never consume the green tea together with the medication you have taken without first speaking to your doctor.

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