5 Exercises For Firm Legs That You Can Do At Home

You can train your legs at home without any equipment. For some exercises, you can use simple everyday objects.

5 firm leg exercises you can do at home

These  toned leg exercises  need to be done regularly to tone the muscles and get the results you want.

Of course, appropriate eating habits are also very important in  order to build muscle mass and keep the skin elastic and firm. 

With the exercises for firm legs that we are introducing to you today, you can also improve blood circulation and thus prevent varicose veins and cellulite at the same time.

You do not need any apparatus for this and you can easily do the exercises at home,  which is very convenient as you do not lose any additional time. 

The following five  exercises for firm legs  should be put into practice every day in order to achieve the desired results. Do you want to start today?

1. Exercises for firm legs: squats

Exercises for firm legs: squats

Squats are one of the classics and shouldn’t be missing here either. You can use it to strengthen the leg muscles and also train your buttocks.

With this exercise, the whole lower body gets going  and you can activate the metabolism at the same time and thus stimulate fat burning.

How are squats properly performed?

  • You stand upright with your legs shoulder-width apart and your back straight on the floor.
  • Extend your arms forward or to the sides, and then slowly bring your body down as if you were sitting on a chair.
  • Make sure that your knees shouldn’t protrude beyond the tips of your toes.
  • Then move back up to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times.
  • In order to achieve the desired results, it is advisable to carry out three series per session.

2. Exercises for firm legs: lunge

With this exercise you can complement the squats  to improve balance and coordination. 

How are lunges done correctly?

  • You stand upright on the floor with your legs hip-width apart. Support your arms on your hips or bring them together behind your neck.
  • Now you bend one leg and take a big step forward. The other leg is further back and is also bent so that the knee is almost on the floor.
  • The front leg forms a 90ยบ angle, the bottom is brought down a little.
  • Then go back to the starting position and repeat the exercise the wrong way round.
  • Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions on each leg.

2. Exercises for firm legs: side lunge

Exercises for firm legs: side lunge

You can use it to train the leg muscles and the buttocks. If desired, you can combine this exercise with squats to increase the challenge. 

How is this exercise correctly performed?

  • You stand straight on the floor with your back straight and your legs together. The hands are on the hips.
  • Do a wide lunge to the side, the knee of the other leg is slightly bent.
  • If you want to combine the exercise with squats, move your buttocks down while bending your knee.
  • Then go back to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  • Repeat the exercise 10 times and do a total of 3 series.

4. Exercises for firm legs: Step

In the fitness center, this exercise is usually done with a step board. However, you can use a stool at home or just use the stairs.

How is this exercise properly performed?

  • You stand upright on the floor with your back straight, your arms hanging loosely at the sides of your body.
  • Now you put one foot on the stool or the stairs and bring your whole body up so that the leg is straight. The other leg is lifted slightly.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  • Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions each.

5. Exercises for firm legs: Quadriceps training

Exercises for firm legs: Quadriceps training in the chair

Finally, you can do this simple exercise to  work your quads.

You don’t need any apparatus for this, a simple chair is enough to prop yourself up.

How is this exercise properly done?

  • Sit on the chair with your back straight and your legs relaxed.
  • The arms are on the sides of your body. Now stretch one leg forward and lift it so that the quadriceps are contracted.
  • Slowly lower the leg again and repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  • Repeat this exercise 10 times on each side for a total of 3 series.

    Are you ready to start this workout at home? It doesn’t take long to do this, but you should do the exercises regularly  to tone your legs! 

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