5 Foods For A Better Blood Count

Certain foods can stimulate the production of white and red blood cells and platelets and thus improve the blood count. 

5 foods for a better blood count

How can you  improve your blood count  ? How is blood composed? How is it formed? We will address all of these questions in today’s article.

The heart pumps the blood through the blood vessels (aorta, arteries, veins, hair vessels, etc.).

Compared to water, blood is thicker and slightly sticky to the touch. It has a taste of metal.

The red color of the blood is due to the pigment hemoglobin, which is in the erythrocytes. But the color can vary: scarlet red means that the blood has a lot of oxygen, blood with little oxygen is dark red.

The pH of the blood is usually between 7.35 and 7.45, the average temperature about 38º, which is a little higher than body temperature.

What does blood carry?

  • nutrient
  • Hormones
  • antibody
  • oxygen
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Electrolytes
  • Vitamins
  • warmth

Where is blood made?

better blood count

The blood cells are made in the bone marrow,  a spongy tissue inside the bones. Blood formation occurs particularly in the spine, the hips, the ribs, the shoulder, the sternum and the skull bones.

The human body has about 4.5 to 6 liters of blood. 55% of it consists of blood plasma (water, proteins, mineral salts and other dissolved substances), 45% consists of red and white blood cells and platelets.

How can you improve the blood count through diet?

  • Consume vegetables without starch  (e.g. tomatoes, carrots and spinach). The consumption of potatoes and pears should be reduced, but you do not have to give them up completely.
  • Healthy sources of protein are also important:  lean meats (chicken, turkey) and fish. Avoid red meat and sausages as much as possible.
  • Whole grain products are recommended:  Whole grain rice, pasta and whole grain bread contain more fiber than white flour products. The blood sugar level rises slowly and you feel full for a long time.
  • Use healthy vegetable oils:  Olive oil or canola oil, for example, work well. Avoid butter, which contains saturated fat, as much as possible.
  • Avoid sugary soft drinks:  e.g. juices, iced tea or other commercial drinks with a lot of sugar. It’s best to prepare fresh, natural juices and drink plenty of water.

Which vitamins and minerals are in the blood?

Improve blood count with vitamins
  • Vitamin E:  makes red blood cells more resistant.
  • Iodine:  supports the formation of red blood cells and platelets.
  • Vitamin C:  stimulates the absorption of iron.
  • Zinc:  supports the formation of lymphocytes.
  • Vitamin K:  promotes blood clotting.
  • Cobalt:  supports the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells.
  • Copper:  makes iron available to produce red blood cells.
  • Iron:  is essential for the formation of hemoglobin, which transports oxygen to the cells.
  • Vitamin B12:  supports the maturation process of the red blood cells.
  • Folic acid:  supports the maturation of erythrocytes and leukocytes.

Recommended foods for a better blood count


The liver is rich in vitamin A and improves the complexion as it also contains valuable antioxidants.

However, it also stimulates the production of hemoglobin  because it contains a high level of iron. Liver is low in fat and rich in folic acid, which makes an important contribution to correct cell division.

Chicken eggs

Chicken eggs for a better blood count

If you don’t have any allergies or intolerance, you should incorporate chicken eggs into your diet regularly. It is a wonderful source of proteins, minerals and vitamins.

Egg yolks , in particular  , are rich in lecithin, which removes fat from arteries. Eggs also contain choline, which is beneficial for nervous system health.

Eggs also contain vitamins D, A and E as well as the minerals iron, zinc, selenium, phosphorus and folic acid.


Legumes are particularly important for vegetarians or vegans,  as they provide a lot of protein and prevent nutritional deficiencies. In addition, they shine with carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins of the B complex and minerals (iron, magnesium and potassium).

Dried fruits for a better blood count

Dried fruits for a better blood count

Although dried fruits are high in calories,  they provide important nutrients from which the organism benefits greatly. However, you shouldn’t eat too much of it!

Dried fruits contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids, various vitamins and minerals (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin E and vitamins of the B group).

Potatoes (only in moderation!)

Potatoes  are fuel for the organism from which energy is produced. They are rich in vitamin B, folic acid and minerals. On the other hand, they also contain important flavonoids that prevent cardiovascular diseases and reduce bad cholesterol.

In addition, potatoes are characterized by vitamins from the B complex, which also protect the arteries. Vitamin B in particular  is important to reduce homocysteine ​​levels. This amino acid can cause swelling in the arteries.

Maintain your health and include these foods in your diet regularly to improve your blood count!

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