5 Indications That You Are A Toxic Person

If you don’t want to be toxic to others, why are you so to yourself? You should take care of yourself first and look for your well-being.

5 clues that you are a toxic person

We have already reported on toxic people several times. But what if you are a  toxic person yourself ? When you poison and harm yourself with negative thoughts and actions.

It’s easy to see the splinter in the other’s eye.

But maybe your own actions and decisions are negative and you are not aware of them.

Today’s post is about how to recognize that you are a toxic person yourself  .

1. If you stay with someone who is harming you, you are a toxic person

Why are you staying with this person who is causing you so much harm? If you tolerate this, then it is your own fault and not the other person’s fault.

Maybe you are not up to living together, or you are not compatible because you have completely different attitudes and values. But despite the disregard, you stay by that person’s side. You are a toxic person.


If you do so, you are a toxic person yourself. Not necessarily towards others, but with yourself.

You don’t love yourself, you don’t protect yourself from the harm that is poisoning your relationship. What is worse, you defend the relationship and stay even though you know full well that it is ruining you.

2. You blame yourself for your mistakes

Nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes. So it is important to see these as opportunities to learn, mature and move forward.

When we are unable to do this, and we keep blaming ourselves for past mistakes, we are harming ourselves and preventing us from moving forward.

Chances are you’ve become too perfectionist or expecting too much from yourself.

You are strict with yourself so that you take every mistake, no matter how bad, very seriously.

Learn to accept your mistakes and not blame yourself. To err is positive, so don’t give your mistakes toxic power.

3. Suppress emotions

You may have had complicated relationships that have caused you a lot of damage. This is why you suppress your emotions and feelings to protect yourself.

Did you know this is incredibly toxic to you? If you ignore your feelings and emotions, suppress them and tie them up, other much more negative ones emerge.


You have to learn to express these freely without fear because you have to take risks in your life. Emotions are like our desires, they are there to be expressed.

If you suppress your feelings, sooner or later you will suffer a lot. You grow into a sad person who refuses to allow yourself to love and be loved. You don’t deserve that. Always express your feelings.

4. Pessimism

Life is not always easy. However, a pessimistic attitude is not the best choice. This is reflected in your being and you will also transfer the pessimism to your surroundings.

No matter how difficult the current situation is, your pessimistic attitude does not improve it in any way, on the contrary.

Toxic people also include pessimists and whiners. Do you want to be part of it?

Optimism is your best friend, it will help you and protect you from negative things .

5. Always the others first

Thinking about yourself doesn’t make you a selfish person, but someone who loves and protects yourself.

We are used to always caring for our fellow human beings. Don’t forget yourself! Even if you are labeled as selfish, you shouldn’t feel guilty. It will make you less toxic.


Sometimes, without realizing it, we become toxic people. And we ignore the fact that the poison not only harms the environment, but also ourselves.

Learn to analyze yourself. Don’t be afraid to discover things inside yourself that you are unlikely to like. Everyone makes mistakes. It is up to us to correct them.

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