5 Natural Anti-inflammatory Drugs For Joint Pain

Joint pain is unpleasant, but it can also be combated with natural remedies. That’s why we’re introducing you to five different ones today.

5 natural anti-inflammatory drugs for joint pain

An inflamed knee joint, pain in the fingers or feet, or other joints  are usually treated with drugs because they can be very uncomfortable.

But there are also excellent  natural anti-inflammatories that  can help relieve joint pain.

Of course, the doctor’s recommendations and prescriptions should always be followed.

However, if medicines aren’t necessary, you can use these natural anti-inflammatory drugs that can  aid in relief. You can learn more about it in this post.

1. Rosemary as a possible  anti-inflammatory for joint pain


Rosemary is used as a spice and remedy, especially in the Mediterranean diet . This aromatic herb gives many dishes a characteristic taste and is also used in a wide variety of home remedies.

Incidentally, rosemary can act as a sedative and may help as an anti-inflammatory for joint pain.

This is particularly due to the effects of ursolic acid, which can fight infections around the cartilage and in the wrists and knees  without causing any known side effects. With this home remedy, you too can benefit:


  • 200 g rosemary
  • 2 glasses of water (400 ml)


First bring the water to the boil and then add the rosemary. After 20 minutes, remove the infusion from the heat and let it steep. You can drink two cups of it a day.

2. Horsetail


Horsetail is available in pharmacies or health food stores. It could have anti-inflammatory effects and is said to be a source of numerous minerals and vitamins.

3. Turmeric


We have often spoken of turmeric in our posts. This spice, which comes from Asia, gives the dishes an attractive yellow color on the one hand. On the other hand, it could also work as an anti-inflammatory for joint pain. Before turning to ibuprofen, you should definitely try turmeric.

Turmeric could be an anti-inflammatory. It contains antioxidants and may have pain relief. 

This spice could therefore help in all infection processes in which the body has to repair and detoxify damaged tissue.

To benefit from its properties, you can make the following tea:


  • 1 tablespoon turmeric (20 g)
  • 3 cups of water (750 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of honey (60 g)


First bring the water to a boil  and then add the turmeric. The water turns yellow immediately. Cook for another 10 minutes and then let it steep.

Then strain and sweeten with  three spoons of honey. You can drink this tea throughout the day to reduce inflammation and joint pain.

4. Ginger


Of course, ginger should not be missing on this list. Undoubtedly, many are talking about the supposed anti-inflammatory effects of this root In addition, some also recommend it for joint pain. You can prepare the following home remedies:


  • 200 g grated ginger root
  • 2 glasses of water (400 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of honey


We first prepare a tea with these ingredients. As soon as the water boils,  add the ginger and cook for another 20 minutes. Then let it steep for 10 minutes and sift the tea. Then  2 tablespoons of honey are stirred in. 

As you can see, honey is an important ingredient in these home remedies because it also has excellent properties that help with joint pain.

5. Flaxseed


Flaxseed is easily available in the supermarket or in health food stores. It’s not expensive at all and is considered by many to be  an excellent anti-inflammatory:

  • Flaxseed contains valuable omega-3 fatty acids. These not only support the strengthening of the immune system, but could also help in the fight against infections in the joints.
  • How is flaxseed used? For example, you can add the flaxseed to the salad or use it in smoothies. However, it should never be cooked, as a large part of the omega-3 fatty acids is lost. In addition, it is difficult to digest this way.

However, before you resort to ibuprofen, you should definitely try to use these natural anti-inflammatories to relieve your pain.

Of course, the doctor’s recommendations come first.

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