6 Dinner Tips That Might Help Not Gaining Weight

One of the most important things to avoid gaining weight is to keep small portions. In addition, you should choose light foods that are easy to digest.

6 Dinner Tips That Might Help You Not Gain Weight

Dinner is especially important if you want to keep an eye on your line. So today we propose 6 light menus that can help you with this.

Nutritionists and scientists agree that these dishes not only prevent weight gain, but also prevent digestive and sleep disorders.

The key is  to choose foods smartly and only eat small portions.

Do not forget, however, that you have to control your hunger cravings during the day in order to achieve your goal.

It’s a good idea to include proteins and vitamins for dinner , so fruits and vegetables are important.

It is also very important  to eat two hours before going to bed. 

Many skip dinner completely because they do not want to gain weight, but this is a mistake. Prepare a light dinner for yourself and make sure you eat regularly.

It was found that those people who eat at fixed times have a healthier weight.

If you don’t eat for a long time, you overdo it when the time comes and, due to a higher blood sugar level, you also have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Be careful with the size of the portions

As mentioned earlier, eating small portions is essential. If you are very hungry in the evening, you may be eating too much, which you should definitely avoid.

  • Prepare a plate with the right amount  and then stop scooping up. This will give you better control over how much you eat.
  • It is also a good idea not to take food out of the cupboard or to go shopping for foods that you can hardly resist (sweets, french fries or biscuits).

    What foods can I eat in the evening?

    1. Chicken eggs

    boiled chicken eggs

    Chicken eggs are high in protein and also contain essential amino acids. You will feel full with it for a long time.

    • The best thing to do is to eat a boiled chicken egg.
    • You can also have an egg omelette or scrambled eggs if you wish. However, try to cook these with little or no oil. 

    2. Cheese with nuts

    A small serving of cheese contains around 100 calories, so you shouldn’t eat too much of it.

    • Cheese is high in tryptophan, protein, and casein. Various studies show that casein boosts the metabolism.

      You can have nuts and grapes with the cheese, which are high in melatonin and help you get a good night’s sleep.

      3. Turkey meat with pumpkin puree

      pumpkin puree

      For example, a very complete dinner with just a few calories can consist of turkey meat with pumpkin puree.

      • Turkey meat contains tryptophan and healthy proteins,  it is easier to digest than chicken and therefore ideal for dinner.
      • You can prepare pumpkin puree as a side dish. A healthy and very filling dinner with which you can keep your figure.

      4. Hummus with vegetables

      Hummus is known to be made from chickpeas, which are rich in vitamin B6 and therefore promote the synthesis of melatonin.

      A perfect dinner with some vegetables: cucumbers, carrots or other vegetables taste very tasty with them.

      5. Corn on the cob for dinner


      Corn is also ideal for a light dinner. However, we are not talking about canned corn, but about fresh corn that is cooked at home.

      • This allows excess cholesterol to be drained out of the organism. In addition, the storage of fat reserves is slowed down.
      • However, in order for it to actually be a healthy, light dinner, you should avoid butter and salt!

      6. White fish

      White fish is also an excellent alternative for a healthy, nutritious dinner that prevents weight gain.

      Blue fish contains more fat and is therefore more suitable for lunch.

      All of these dishes are healthy and taste delicious, you can benefit from them too!

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