7 Signs That You Are A FREE SOUL

Very often one achieves to be a free soul after being trapped for a long time and depending on the opinions and tastes of others.

7 signs that you are a FREE SOUL

Being a free soul, well beyond the spiritual aspect, indicates a personality type that has achieved maturity and psychological skills built on autonomy and security.

It is not easy to reach this high point in personal development.

This dimension is actually at the top of the pyramid of necessities mentioned by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 article, “A Theory of Human Motivation”.

A free soul in no way means acting like a person who feels free of all ties and responsibility, behaves accordingly and does not want to put down roots anywhere.

We are talking about a number of characteristics, ways of acting and exchanges with reality that undoubtedly make us more capable and secure in life and in adverse circumstances.

There are no unhealthy attachments or suffocating addictions here.

Then we invite you to learn more about this dimension that defines body, soul and the world of feelings.

1. You choose, think and act without the need for approval from others

Anyone who has reached this point in the course of their life, where they do not need permission or authorization from anyone in order to live the way they wish, has without a doubt important steps behind them.

  • For a long period of our life we have the need to be accepted by society.

First from our parents, then from friends and later also from work colleagues.

Showing yourself the way you really are, speaking with an open heart and absolute honesty is a difficult endeavor that you cannot accomplish overnight. Only really free souls can do this.

2. You live without fear because you trust in yourself

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Experts in the field of personality development and motivational psychology know full well that fear is a major obstacle that stands in the way of numerous opportunities and opportunities.

If you remove the veil of worry and stop putting the fatalities in the foreground, you can move forward with a sure step.

Happiness is always beyond fear. But in order to cross these limits, the first thing you need is a healthy level of self-confidence.

3. You are an authentic, determined and spontaneous person

You are one of those people who don’t mince their words. Because you’ve already gone through a mental process to know that the truth always comes first.

  • The honesty defines you, but also the determination that snatches a smile from you and connects you with others.
  • You are spontaneous because you don’t care what others think or say about you.

Authentic personalities are free souls, because their inner being knows no censorship. They have made contact with their own being and their own values. To show the world how they understand their lives: with great passion.

4. You know what it is worth fighting for


To be a free soul does not mean escaping responsibilities or living out a carefree freedom where desires come and go the wrong way. One might think so, but it is absolutely not the case.

The free soul knows exactly what it has to fight for: for things or people that it loves, for everything that identifies it and makes it happy.

Everything else is unimportant.

5. A free soul does not speak the language of attachment

When viewed from an affective perspective, attachment is a major enemy of personality development.

  • Anyone who is in a relationship with affective dependence loses the sense of integrity, freedom and self-actualization.
  • A person who defines himself as a free soul can love others without becoming dependent. She gives the best of herself to others. Feels complete and then doesn’t see love as a drug that takes her captive.

    6. The free soul values ​​the little things in life

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    To be a free soul means not to cling to things that hinder personal growth, that limit one’s own nature and emotional world through grids.

    The passion for freedom is achieved by setting priorities, by understanding that in truth it is not things but sensations that are the most important thing in life.

    These sensations arise from simple daily experiences: a conversation, a walk in the woods or on the beach, an encounter, a trip, going barefoot, a hug, a pet, running without a care …

    Busy and concerned people are unable to appreciate small, everyday details. Free souls identify with them, they feed on them because they value them very much.

    7. Your own life inspires you and with your behavior you are at the same time a role model for others

    It is possible that you will be asked more than once how you do this. “You are always happy, you have time for everything, you do a thousand things and always have a smile on your face … how do you do it?”

    • In truth, you don’t really know how to answer that. You have achieved your philosophy of life in the course of time, partly completely unconsciously.

    However, sometimes one becomes a free soul after a long imprisonment, this fact is never forgotten.

    Being free is an attitude to live with persistence and strength, knowing that sometimes it is necessary to leave things behind.

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