9 Juices That Can Help Detoxify The Organism

Choose the juice that best meets your needs and don’t forget to get enough exercise and a healthy diet to get all the benefits. To increase the effect, the juice is drunk on an empty stomach.

9 juices that can help detoxify the body

Detoxifying juices are a wonderful way to do something good for your health. Here we introduce you to 9 juices that can help detoxify the organism.

Juices can eliminate toxins caused by poor diet, alcohol or tobacco abuse, or stress. Since these 9 juices consist of fresh fruits and vegetables, they also provide important vitamins and minerals.

It is best to drink these 9 juices in the morning on an empty stomach. Just choose the juice that you like best and that suits your needs.

Then combine these juices with enough exercise and a healthy diet for the best results. You should also drink about two liters of water a day. Below we will recommend various detox juices.

9 juices that can help detoxify the body

1.) Citrus juice

This juice has a detoxifying, diuretic and cleansing effect. It is especially helpful for water retention and can help you reduce your waist size. E.

r contains vitamins A, B and C, as well as the minerals potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium. Then drink the juice every day for a month. The ingredients and the preparation of this juice are also very simple. You will need the following:

  • Juice of a grapefruit
  • 2 sliced ​​spinach leaves
  • Juice from three oranges
  • a cup of sliced ​​papaya
  • a slice of pineapple

Mix all the ingredients together, then drink the juice right away.

2.) Juice that can help prevent cellulite


This juice removes water retention and toxins that produce cellulite. You can then drink this drink every day in the morning for a month. The ingredients for this are:

  • Juice of two grapefruits
  • 1 cup chopped peaches
  • 6 strawberries
  • 1 peeled cucumber
  • a cup of water
  • 1 cup of pineapple juice

Mix everything well, then strain the drink.

3.) Green juice

This green juice is very suitable for detoxifying and cleaning the body and also has a diuretic effect.

It contains vitamins A and C as well as high amounts of fiber that support our digestive tract. Like the juices already mentioned, this is also recommended daily for a month, preferably in the morning. Here are the ingredients to make the juice:

  • 1 cup of chopped pineapple
  • 1 cucumber
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 1 tablespoon of honey

    To prepare the juice, you need a food processor, in which you put  the fruits and vegetables, and then make juice from them.  Then add the honey.

    If you don’t have a food processor, you can also try the blender. In this case, you should chop the ingredients particularly well beforehand. Sieve the drink, then serve immediately.

    4.) Red juice

    red juice

    This juice contains many antioxidants that can delay the aging process. It also contains tannins, potassium, sodium and calcium. All of these nutrients are essential to good health. Then drink the juice every morning. The ingredients for the red juice are:

    • Juice of two lemons
    • 6 strawberries
    • 2 slices of pineapple
    • 1 cup of chopped grapes
    • 1 tablespoon of honey

    Put the fruit in the food processor or blender, then puree it. Then add the lemon juice and honey.

    5.) Juice for digestion

    This one of the 9 juices is well suited to cleanse the digestive tract and ensures that many toxins are eliminated.

    It also contains fiber, which aids digestion and makes bowel movements easier. It is best to drink the juice in the morning, immediately after breakfast, and then for an unlimited period of time. The ingredients are:

    • 1 stick of celery
    • Juice of one lemon
    • 2 slices of pineapple
    • 2 peeled carrots (cut)
    • 1 yellow apple

    Mix all the ingredients in the blender, then add the lemon juice.

    6.) Dehydrating juice

    orange juice

    This diet juice is particularly helpful for fat loss and also has a dehydrating effect, which is also important. The juice is not only good for losing weight, but also cleanses the organism and removes toxins.

    Drink the juice every morning, preferably on an empty stomach, and then indefinitely. The ingredients for this juice are:

    • 1 glass of orange juice
    • 1 stick of celery
    • 4 sprigs of parsley
    • 1 cup of chopped nopal
    • 1/4 slice of pineapple

    Mix all the ingredients until you get a fine juice. You can also sift the drink afterwards.

    7.) Herbal juice

    This juice has a particularly detoxifying effect and ensures that the toxins that are in the body are removed from the body. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals.  

    It is also perfect for improving digestion and supporting stomach function. Drink the juice on an empty stomach in the morning and then for as long as you like. The ingredients for the herbal juice are:

    • 2 large tomatoes
    • 1 cucumber
    • 2 tablespoons of coriander
    • 2 tablespoons of parsley
    • 1 tablespoon of rosemary
    • 1 tablespoon of basil
    • 3 cloves of garlic
    • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

    Put all of the ingredients in a food processor or blender until a homogeneous juice is formed. Then add some cayenne pepper.

    8.) Cranberry juice


    Cranberry juice is a very effective dehydrating agent that contains many antioxidants, which also help to delay the aging process.

    It is also particularly recommended for women, as it can effectively fight urinary tract infections. The ingredients for this juice are:

    • 2 large red apples
    • 1 large pear
    • 1/2 cup of cranberries
    • 1 stick of celery
    • 1 large cucumber

    Put all of the ingredients in a food processor or blender until they are all well mixed. It is recommended not to sift the drink afterwards and drink it immediately.

    9.) Plum juice

    Just like the cranberries, plums are also very suitable for delaying the aging process and detoxifying the body.

    This last of the 9 juices also has a very draining effect. It’s best to drink it in the morning on an empty stomach, and then for as long as you like. The ingredients for the plum juice are:

    • 3/4 cup chopped plums
    • 2 large green pears
    • 1 large grapefruit
    • 1/4 of a small lemon
    • 1 large stick of celery

    Put all of the ingredients in a food processor or blender until everything is well mixed. Then serve the drink immediately.

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