9 Tips For Caring For Your Potted Plants

You are sure to have some potted plants at home. Then you probably also know that they need a certain amount of care. Otherwise, the plants quickly lose their color and leaves and eventually die. Here’s what you can do to keep it from getting that far!

9 tips for caring for your potted plants

The potted plants that make the rooms in your home more beautiful require special care. There are various things to consider: the type of plant, the light, the watering and also the room temperature. If just one of these factors is wrong, your potted plants will wither quickly. They lose their leaves and die.

Often that doesn’t happen because you don’t care enough about the plants. It’s because you don’t know exactly about the needs of your green roommates. And what is a pleasant and cozy environment for humans may not be so ideal for a plant.

Basic tips for caring for potted plants

To keep your houseplants healthy, you should keep the following helpful tips in mind:

  • First of all, the choice of the plant is of fundamental importance. Because there are certain types of houseplants that require a very specific environment and care. Others, however, can survive with minimal care.

So when buying your potted plants you should find out what conditions are necessary for this plant to thrive. And then you would have to consider whether these are also given at home.

  • All plants need light. Those with dark leaves and ferns are those that tend to need less light. The consequences of a lack of light are immediately apparent: the leaves turn yellow and the stems elongate unusually. The plant is stressed and loses vitality.

It is therefore particularly important that you observe how the potted plants react to their new surroundings in your home. And if you find that they’re not getting enough light, you need to rearrange them accordingly.

  • The right temperature is also an important requirement for indoor plants. Abrupt temperature changes are disadvantageous for them. Likewise, it is usually not good for them to stand right next to the heater or air conditioning.
  • Watering is also an important part of caring for your potted plants. In fact, one of the most common reasons for them to die is because they are overwatered. To prevent this from happening, the best thing to do is to watch out for the soil in the pot: it should be moist, but not wet or even muddy.

The room temperature naturally has a direct impact on the plants’ water requirements. Warm air is drier than normal, so the potted plants need more moisture. In these cases, it is advisable that you regularly moisten the leaves with a spray bottle. Because such a gentle rain ensures that your green friends feel good!

Proper watering of potted plants

Three potted plants
  • It is also possible to water the plant from below. To do this, simply immerse the pot in water for a few minutes. In this way the plant absorbs the necessary amount of water.
  • Adequate care of the leaves also contributes to the health of the plant. Because the leaves of indoor plants get dirty over time and dust settles on them. To clean them, you can gently wipe them with a cloth that you’ve previously moistened with a few drops of glycerine. Glycerine prevents dust from sticking to the leaves. It also makes them shine nicely.
  • The ideal pots for indoor plants are clay pots. Because they are air and water permeable and thus promote growth. But you can also use plastic ones.
  • If there is water in the saucer of the pot, you should remove it. Because it is excess water that the plant no longer needs. It is also a good tip to fill this coaster with small stones or gravel. Because this way you can avoid that the bottom of the flower pot comes into contact with the remaining water.

What else you should consider:

  • Another important aspect of caring for your potted plants is repotting or planting them. These processes should be adapted to the growth of the plants. It is not advisable for the roots to be too tightly compressed and curled up in the pot. Because then they don’t get enough air.
  • Repotting is the ideal time to renew the soil. There are plants that need very specific soil. Therefore, it is good to familiarize yourself with these needs.
  • Proper fertilization is also important for your indoor plants. Because the fertilizer is an indispensable food for them. Especially if you have spent a lot of time in the same pot with the same potting soil. Because then it no longer contains many nutrients. But of course the plant still needs some. Plants need more nutrition, especially in the seasons when they are growing and blooming.
  • It’s also important to watch out for fungi and pests. Potted plants are also attacked by pests. So, you should regularly check the leaves for spots or other strange signs. If a plant is sick, you can ask a specialist shop for advice on the correct treatment.

    Indoor plants are not just a nice element to decorate your home. They also fulfill a very valuable function for the room climate. In this way they improve the quality of the air and ensure better humidity.

    With the above tips, you are sure to enjoy your potted plants for a long time!

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