Correct Preparation Of Tea

The optimal temperature depends on the type of tea. To make a good tea, it is important that the water does not boil so that the oxygen is not lost.

Proper preparation of tea

Legend has it that a gentle wind dropped wild tea leaves into the boiling water of the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung, creating a delicious, aromatic, refreshing drink that delighted the ruler and later the whole world. Today tea is one of the most popular drinks!

It is also used for the prevention and healing of various cardiovascular complaints, neurodegenerative diseases and complaints of the musculoskeletal system.

A cup of tea is simply good when we are nervous, depressed or powerless. But do you know how to properly prepare this hot drink? Find out more about it afterwards. 

My favorite tea

Tea is an infusion made from leaves and sprouts of the Camellia sinensis plant. Their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective and calming effects are achieved through the polyphenols and catechins they contain.

The delicious drink also contains fluorine and mineral salts, but the concentration depends on the type of tea.

Green tea

Green tea

After wilting, the leaves of green tea are drained, dried and rolled up. Since they are not fermented, many active ingredients and properties are retained. The leaves are green and have a fresh taste.

White tea

White tea

This delicacy is made from the unopened leaf buds of the plant. These are dried, but neither fermented nor oxidized. The taste of the white tea is delicate, the name comes from the whitish color of the buds.

black tea

black tea

After drying, the leaves of black tea undergo a long oxidation process. This type of tea is dark and slightly reddish. It contains a lot of tein.

Red tea


Pu-erh, as this variety is also called, is fermented after drying  (longer than black tea). Maturation can take decades. This process gives this type of tea a characteristic, earthy taste and reddish color. He is very much appreciated in China.

Blue tea or oolong


This type of tea is delicate and has a flowery or fruity aroma as it only undergoes a short oxidation process. It is very much appreciated in China.

The right preparation

It is not enough to know the properties of the different types of tea and choose a favorite tea. Proper preparation is not that simple, but it is very important. Find out more about it afterwards.

First, a few basic recommendations:

  • A teapot is ideal in which the leaves can unfold and open easily. Wash these with water only.
  • The water should be as pure as possible, the minerals it contains can change the taste of the tea.
  • Drink the delicious drink immediately after preparation!

How is tea properly prepared?

Preheating the teapot:

Use some hot water to rinse out the teapot and cups. This will prevent heat loss when you put the water in the jug.

Heating the water

Use fresh water, bottled water if necessary. The water should not come to a boil so that it does not lose oxygen, which is necessary for making a good tea. The temperature varies depending on the type of tea:

  • Green tea: between 65 and 85ºC
  • White tea: between 75 and 80ºC
  • Black and red tea: between 90 and 100ºC
  • Blue tea: between 85 and 90ºC

Add water or tea

Depending on the variety, either the water or the leaves are added first. If the leaves are tender (like oolong) the leaves are usually added to the water, but if the leaves are robust (like some black teas) the leaves are scalded. This noticeably affects the taste of the tea.

Then the jug or cup is covered so that no valuable substances are lost.

Pulling the tea

Depending on the country, type of tea and the desired taste, the tea leaves can be steeped longer or shorter. In the first minute the water absorbs the taste and the complexion almost completely, after two minutes the tannins are released, which give the hot drink a rough taste.

  • White tea: 1-2 minutes
  • Green tea: 1-3 minutes
  • Oolong: 3 minutes
  • Black and red tea: 2-3 minutes

Serve and enjoy

The sugar changes the properties and the taste of the tea, you should avoid it.

Just one method?

Of course, there is not just one way to make delicious drinks with tea leaves. We have a few more tips afterwards, but you can also get creative yourself!

The traditional English tea

Put one teaspoon of tea leaves per cup and one extra spoon in the teapot. The amount can vary depending on the variety and personal taste. Then brew the tea leaves with hot water and let them steep. Don’t forget to warm the cup before serving.

Japanese tea

Put a teaspoon of tea leaves in each cup and pour hot water over them. Then stir for a few seconds with a bamboo whisk.

Russian tea preparation

Put 3 to 4 spoons of tea leaves in half a liter of water and pour some of it into each cup. Then the tea leaves are poured over the hot water from the samovar in each glass. The tea is sweetened with sugar or jam.

Moroccan tea

A little hot water is poured over the tea leaves in the pot. Then remove this water. Now fill the teapot with hot water and let the leaves steep for a few minutes.

Fresh nano mint leaves (Moroccan mint) are filled into the glasses. Brew the tea over them.

Pakistani tea

For six people you need 1 liter of milk and 2 tablespoons of tea leaves. Bring the milk to a boil and use it to brew the tea leaves. Let it steep for five minutes, then pour it through a sieve. If desired, you can sweeten this hot drink and refine it with spices such as cinnamon, ginger and cardamom.

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