Homemade Shampoos – Recipes

Until the scalp gets used to the new treatment, dandruff can develop in the first few days.

Homemade shampoos - recipes

Not all beauty products are good for our bodies because some contain harmful chemicals. Here we introduce you to homemade  shampoos.

If you have very sensitive skin, it is highly likely that some products will provoke skin irritation, inflammation, redness, etc.

You have to be careful with shampoos , as the scalp is often even more sensitive than the skin of the face and is exposed to many pollutants. 

What do you know about organic shampoos?

As everyone knows, shampoo is used to cleanse the hair, remove dandruff, grease, etc. Shampoos are also supposed to support the natural properties of the hair and scalp, but this is not always the case.

The reason for this is the chemical substances contained in commercially available shampoos.

Have you ever observed that when you stop using the dandruff shampoo, the dandruff reappears? Or when you stop using the conditioner and your hair is dull and dull again?

This is due to the substances contained in the shampoo, which do not treat the problem but only cover it up. To have healthy hair all year round, you can make your own shampoos.

With natural ingredients you can manufacture organic products that are gentle on your hair and the environment.

Tips for washing hair: 

  • Wash your hair every other day.
  • Use only small amounts of shampoo, pour it into the palms of your hands, and then spread it over your hair.
  • Then massage the scalp gently.
  • Do not use water that is too hot, the final rinse should always be done with cold water.


Recipes for natural, homemade shampoos

The following homemade, organic shampoos are excellent for your hair and fulfill their function perfectly. Your hair and skin will be beautiful and healthy again.

You may feel itchy or flaky for the first few days, but don’t worry, this is the natural process for getting back “normal”.

If the itching or flaking persists for more than 15 days, you should seek advice from a dermatologist, but this usually doesn’t happen.

  • Orange  shampoo with ordinary soapwort : You need half a liter of soapwort tea, two spoons of orange juice and two egg yolks. Whisk the egg yolks together, then add all of the other ingredients. This shampoo can be stored in the refrigerator. Use it as your regular shampoo and your hair will be silky and shiny.
  • Sandalwood shampoo : The ingredients you need are 25 g of dried chamomile flowers, 25 g of chopped soapwort, 250 ml of hot water and 20 drops of essential sandalwood oil. Put the flowers and roots in a container and pour the hot water over them. Let the infusion work overnight. Sieve the next day and add the sandalwood oil.

  • Lavender shampoo  is ideal for blonde hair. You will need the juice of two lemons, two tablespoons of lavender water, and two eggs. Mix all of the ingredients together, then apply the mixture to your hair with a gentle massage. Rinse out the shampoo and repeat. Now let the shampoo work for 15 minutes. Rinse the hair well and apply a conditioner.
  • Rose water shampoo  for brown or dark hair. Mix together two tablespoons of vinegar, two tablespoons of rose water, and two eggs and apply the shampoo to the hair and scalp with a gentle massage. Rinse and repeat. After 15 minutes of action, you can rinse your hair again and preferably apply a homemade conditioner for even better results.

More recipes

  • Nettle and rosemary shampoo  is ideal for hair loss and weak hair. Put two handfuls of soapwort and one and a half cups of water in a saucepan, then let it boil for 10 minutes, then steep for another 10 minutes. Let the infusion cool and then sift it. Fill the infusion into a bottle with a lid. Make a rosemary tea with half a spoonful of fresh rosemary and a cup of boiling water. Let it sit for half an hour. Then you can sieve off the rosemary and mix the tea with the soapy water. You can use this recipe as a conditioner or shampoo.

    • Coconut shampoo with egg  for dry hair. As with the previous recipe, start by making a soapwort infusion. Then you warm two tablespoons of coconut oil in the steam bath and mix everything with an egg yolk and 3 drops of cognac. Stir well and let the mixture cool. Apply this shampoo to the dampened scalp and let it work for a few minutes. Then rinse with plenty of lukewarm water.
    • Herbal shampoo  for dry and damaged hair. Boil 15 grams of fennel root and 15 grams of holder or clover in a cup of water for ten minutes. Strain the herbs, then add a cup of grated neutral soap. Let the mixture cool, then store it in a closed container. Use like a regular shampoo.
    • Papaya Aloe Shampoo:  Peel a large papaya, then cut it into slices. Puree the papaya, then add a spoonful of aloe vera gel and half a cup of children’s shampoo, half a spoon of olive oil, and a spoon of lemon juice. Use like regular shampoo every other day.

    Images courtesy of Dean Wissing, msafari 2425, viviandnguyen, and Bev Sykes.

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