5 Mistakes In Jealousy

Envy and jealousy lead to bitterness and negative feelings in all affected persons. These are destructive feelings in both directions.

5 mistakes in jealousy

In this article, you will learn how jealousy and envy affect our health.

We use this to describe the restlessness and despair that a person feels when he thinks that his partner is cheating. It is a very complex feeling that can arise when others are viewed as possessions.

You can also feel jealousy and envy when someone does something or succeeds that we would also like to have. 

There are two different types.

The “healthy” one that we feel about our partner and where we claim that there is a fair “agreement” between both parties, and the “bad” one that is seen as pathological jealousy. We’ll look at both types in detail.

The normal jealousy

Here, the person feels worry or fear of losing the loved one, and most of the time it involves certain actions, which can, however, be easily resolved through a conversation without doing things that are momentous or could harm other people.

Pathological or morbid jealousy

This is the most common perception of people who have an emotional imbalance, are insecure and also believe that they are not valuable enough to be loved honestly by another person.

This species is very destructive and generally ends in tragedy.

Differences between the two types


There is a big difference between the two types of jealousy; While one type of jealousy demands transparency and respect so that life together can be calm and full of life, the second type of jealousy is very intense.

In this case, the jealous attempt to put the person who “caused” the jealousy “under arrest”.

The best thing is that the person should not look at anyone anymore or have any kind of friendship with someone else … it can even get to the point that the partner has to report in detail what he has done during the day.

These people are obsessed with finding clues that can lead them to discover the loved one with another.

They search bags, cell phones and can even hire private investigators to confirm their suspicions. People with pathological jealousy can often be very selfish and unkind.

People who suffer from this type often want to break out of this terrible vicious circle and should definitely seek help from a specialist as it is a disease that requires proper treatment.

Envy – another kind of pathological jealousy?

Envy is very often mistaken for jealousy, but the truth is that they are two very different emotional states.

Because of this, it is very important to recognize the differences between jealousy and envy, as these behaviors can be both emotionally and physically harmful.

The radical difference between the two is that envy is about wanting something the other has, while jealousy is about losing something you already have. 

When it comes to the world of work, it is very common that pathological jealousy and envy are mixed together. This is particularly poisonous and maybe even more dangerous.

Jealousy and envy are feelings that only induce bitterness and other negative feelings, both in the person who has them and in who the feelings are directed.

Jealous people have certain traits that we will describe below:

  • Once we are successful, they treat us differently.
  • They’re trying to ruin our reputation.
  • They constantly draw our attention to our mistakes and criticize us.
  • Also, often make sarcastic and ironic comments.
  • And often they are indifferent to our achievements.

Health consequences of jealousy and envy

We speak of feelings and emotions that are deeply anchored in the people affected and hardly make it possible for those affected to feel peace and happiness.

These types of feelings are very destructive. Both for those who suffer from them and for those who are the target of these emotions. In some cases – both men and women – physical assaults on the envied person can occur – and this for no good reason.

How can you avoid them?


There are values ​​that should be “instilled” into children in the family. Children should learn to respect others. With a right upbringing, they will not later feel envy or selfishness towards others. 

Since pathological jealousy is a disease, a specialist should be consulted. If the affected person realizes the problem on their own, it will be much easier to begin the healing process.

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