Natural Remedies. That Could Help Against Nail Fungus

Avoid damp and risky places, such as the shower in the fitness center, and do not share your shoes with anyone to minimize the risk of infection.

Natural remedies.  that could help against nail fungus

Nail fungus, or nail mycosis, is a fungal infection of the fingernails or toenails.

Fungi are small microorganisms that in this case attack the fingernails or toenails. Fungi usually appear on the toenails, as the foot has better conditions to persist and multiply. Read on to learn more about prevention and treatments.

The feet are usually covered so they retain heat and moisture, ideal for bacteria and fungi. If you also suffer from increased sweat production, you should be particularly careful when taking care of your feet.

A yeast infection does not cause pain, which usually drives patients to see a doctor. This infection mainly causes itching, reddening, and flaking on the affected area of ​​the skin.

Changes can be noticed on the nails. They get darker, thicker and peel away from the skin. The nails are weakened and have an unpleasant smell.

It is good to know that certain diseases weaken the immune system and that a fungal infection can have dangerous effects on immunocompromised patients.

However, if you have a strong immune system, a yeast infection is safe, but it is still uncomfortable.

It is best to treat any illness at the first symptoms, even if there is no great danger.

However, if you let time go by, the problem will become increasingly difficult to resolve, and treatment will become more complex and prolonged. It is no different with a fungal infection.

Below are some natural home remedies that can help get you started. However, if you have had nail fungus for a long time, be it on your fingers or on your toes, and the damage is severe, you should definitely see a specialist.


Nail fungus

For this condition, prevention is the best option. You should be extra careful with your grooming and hygiene. Remember, these microorganisms love warm and humid areas. Take care of your toenails and fingernails accordingly to avoid them.

Keep your nails short and clean. If you want slightly longer nails, you should intensify your hygiene. Clean your nails regularly, taking care not to forget to dry them thoroughly.

You can even use a hairdryer for this. Also, clean under your nails without injuring yourself. Fungal infections can also develop in the event of injuries. Do not exchange care utensils, shoes, stockings, etc.

Medical treatment can be external, i.e. topical, or internal. In extreme cases, the affected nail is surgically removed.

In the following point we explain some natural home remedies that can help prevent nail fungus.


Apple Cider Vinegar

Soak your feet in warm water with a cup of apple cider vinegar for 20 minutes. Then dry your feet and toes very thoroughly.

Sodium hydrogen carbonate (baking soda)

Make a paste with sodium hydrogen carbonate and lukewarm water. Apply the paste to the affected areas and then leave it on for a few minutes. Then wash off the paste and dry the area thoroughly.



Prepare an onion juice with the juicer. Apply this to the affected nails with some cotton wool. Leave the juice on for 30 minutes, then wash and dry the area thoroughly.

Oregano oil against nail fungus

Mix a spoonful of olive oil with two drops of oregano oil essence. Apply this mixture directly to the affected nails.

These natural home remedies can be used for up to two weeks if you don’t experience any side effects. If the infection doesn’t go away, you should see a doctor.

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