Health Benefits Of Carrots

Carrots are a real super vegetable with many positive properties. Find out all about the benefits of carrots in your diet here!

Health benefits of carrots

The  benefits of carrots  are numerous: The yellow-orange vegetable is not only very healthy. It can do a lot for your beauty too! In addition, carrots can be used in many ways and are therefore very popular.

Carrots were first cultivated in what is now Afghanistan, thousands of years ago. There were purple, white, yellow, and black varieties with a woody appearance and a bitter taste. They had little to do with today’s farmed carrots.

In the 17th century, carrots were bred with a high percentage of beta-carotene. Since then, these orange carrots have been the preferred cultivation.

But in recent years, purple and red carrots have also come back into fashion. However, these are new breeds.

Enjoy the benefits of carrots

What’s in a carrot?

Carrots are characterized by the following nutrients:

  • Minerals: potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine and selenium
  • 90% water
  • 7% carbohydrates
  • 1 gram of protein
  • 3 grams of fiber

But that’s not all: the orange vegetables also contain vitamins C and A as well as B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6 and folic acid). What is also very beneficial: Carrots only have 35 calories per 100 grams.

The health benefits of carrots

Carrots have many properties that can improve your health in a number of ways. We list some of them below.

Anti-cancer effect

Regardless of how they are prepared, carrots are very useful in preventing cancer. In combination with other vegetables that are also rich in carotenoids (such as spinach or tomatoes), carrots are said to help prevent breast cancer, for example.

Healthy for the eyes

The benefits of carrots for eye problems

Also for the eyes that are benefits of carrot n versatile: With the contained vitamin A they bend  example, diseases such as cataract, retinal disease or night blindness. 

You cannot improve certain complaints, such as myopia or astigmatism, with it. Because they need medical help. But those who eat carrots at a young age may be able to avoid these problems.

Strong teeth and gums

Raw vegetables like carrots improve blood flow to the mouth and prevent bacteria from clinging to your teeth.

The amount of fluorine in carrots, spinach, apples, and other foods can  help keep tooth enamel in good shape and prevent tooth decay.

Regulation of cholesterol levels

The benefits of carrots for high cholesterol

The delicious carrots will also help regulate your cholesterol levels. This can prevent cardiovascular diseases. 

This is because carrots contain important fiber, especially pectin. This flushes fats out of the arteries. At the same time, this helps regulate blood pressure.

Against constipation and stomach pain

The high fiber content in carrots supports the elimination of waste materials. This can also help prevent constipation.

It can also be used to alleviate stomach problems and over-acidity. Because carrots also contain sodium, chlorin, potassium and B vitamins. That is why they are recommended, for example, in the case of an inflammation of the stomach lining.

Diuretic properties

The high proportion of water in carrots in combination with the minerals they contain make them an excellent remedy for kidney stones. That is why carrots should not be missing in cleansing diets. 

As you can see, the  benefits of carrots are numerous. You should therefore incorporate these vegetables into your diet regularly! You can use it to prepare many delicious dishes. Or just replace an unhealthy snack with a raw carrot!

We then recommend a simple, delicious recipe.

Cream of carrot soup: easy and healthy!

Enjoy the benefits of carrots with this recipe

This soup not only tastes delicious. It also combines various very healthy ingredients that improve your general health.

You can make this soup very easily and quickly!


  • 2 carrots
  • 3 broccoli florets
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 large onion
  • 500 ml of water
  • salt


  • Wash the vegetables, cut them up, and add them to the water.
  • Let everything simmer until the vegetables are tender.
  • Then simply puree everything with the hand blender until you get a creamy cream.
  • You can already serve and enjoy this delicious soup.

    In general, not only carrots but all other vegetables can do a lot for your health. Regularly incorporate them into your eating plan. There are many healthy recipes that also taste great.

    Take advantage of carrots too!

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