Gastric Ulcer: Symptoms And Measures

A gastric ulcer always occurs when the gastric mucosa is damaged in one place and is attacked by the gastric acid.

Gastric ulcer: symptoms and measures

Abdominal pain does not always indicate a stomach ulcer. Here we explain the signs and symptoms of a stomach ulcer and what you can eat to relieve your symptoms.


Gastric ulcer: emergence

A stomach ulcer always develops when the stomach lining is damaged in one place and is attacked by the stomach acid.

Stomach ulcers are mainly caused by an excess of stomach acid, which is mainly caused by lifestyle and eating habits.

The bacterium Helicobacter pylori is often responsible for infesting the gastric mucosa . Three quarters of patients with a gastric ulcer are colonized by the bacterium.

But this bacterium can also be detected in 50% of all healthy people. An infestation does not always mean a stomach ulcer!

stomach pain


Abdominal pain in the epigastric region, which always occurs after eating, is one of many symptoms of a stomach ulcer. The stomach is located in the upper abdomen, roughly in the region between your costal arch and the navel.

The pain is burning and pressing. Other gastric ulcer symptoms include loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting. Anemia (” anemia “) can be an indication of a stomach ulcer in the blood count . If the ulcer is bleeding, the blood turns the stool black.

However, if the pain occurs at night or on an empty stomach, there could be an ulcer in the duodenum.


The first way to go if you suspect a stomach ulcer is to see your doctor. If the suspicion of a stomach ulcer is confirmed, he will refer you to a specialist.

A reliable diagnosis can only be made with a gastroscopy. A gastroscopy can also tell the doctor whether it is a more or less harmless stomach ulcer or a form of stomach cancer.

For this purpose, small tissue samples are taken during the examination. Using these samples, not only can the difference between cancer and benign ulcer be determined, the doctor can also identify any bacterial contamination and take appropriate action.


If the gastric ulcer is caused by bacteria, the doctor will prescribe an effective antibiotic for you. To reduce the aggressiveness of the stomach acid, there are tablets that help the ulcer to heal.


It is important to adjust your diet to prevent stomach ulcers and to aid treatment. The best medicine is of no use if you constantly counteract the healing of the gastric ulcer with the wrong diet!

A chronic stomach ulcer is certainly not what you want, so here are some nutritional advice you should keep in mind:

coffee shop

No coffee

When the coffee beans are roasted, acids are formed that can additionally irritate the gastric mucosa. To avoid the development of a stomach ulcer, you should not drink too much coffee.

However, until your stomach ulcer has completely healed, coffee is completely forbidden for you!

Avoid hot spices

Some spices irritate the stomach. This is not the same for all those affected; every stomach reacts differently. While hot spices do little harm to one patient, other patients cause great stomach pains.

Spices that can be irritating are, for example: pepper, chilli, mustard, paprika and horseradish.


smoking prohibited

Smoking promotes the production of stomach acid at night . Especially at night, the stomach has the chance to heal the ulcer. Stomach ulcers are caused by gastric mucosa damaged by gastric acid.

A reduction in stomach acid is necessary for healing. Anyone who smokes does exactly the opposite!


Avoid alcohol

Alcohol in large quantities can lead to an inflammation of the gastric mucosa  and thus favor and aggravate the gastric ulcer and hinder its healing. If you have a stomach ulcer, please completely avoid alcohol until it has healed!


Debunk drugs

Some drugs are extremely irritating to the lining of the stomach and should never be taken while a stomach ulcer is healing. For prevention, it is also useful to avoid such drugs.

Some “everyday medicines” like aspirin are included. Please be sure to read the package insert – if stomach problems are mentioned there: stay away from them!



Stress and other psychological factors such as fear and internal tension can also promote stomach ulcers. Make yourself really aware of the factors that burden you in everyday life and try to do something about it.

If you don’t turn these triggers off, you will struggle with stomach ulcers again and again!

Grilled meat

Avoid animal proteins

Animal protein promotes inflammation. A stomach ulcer is inflammation that needs to heal. Therefore, try to eliminate animal proteins from your diet until you have fully recovered. K a meat, no eggs, no dairy.

Legumes, soy milk products and nuts are ideal vegetable proteins.

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