14 Possible Uses For Butter In The Household

You can brush the halved onion with a little butter so that it does not dry out in the refrigerator.

14 uses for butter in the household

Actually, butter is mostly only used for the preparation of cold or warm dishes. That is why few people know that she can also provide good help around the house.

Today we’re going to explain 14 ways to use butter for different purposes, making some household chores easier.

Removal of water stains on wooden surfaces

Water stains

Water can  leave unsightly stains on wooden surfaces . We often look for expensive solutions in retail without knowing that they are in the refrigerator.

The butter is simply applied. Let it work overnight and then clean the surface the next day. The spots will then have definitely disappeared.

For untangling chains with butter

Often knots form in fine gold chains, which are then very difficult to untangle. Butter can then simplify the work here. Lubricate something on the chain (especially at the knot) until all links are properly greased. The chain slides better and can be untangled.

Preservation of onions


We often only use part of an onion to prepare certain dishes, especially if it is very large. Then what do we do with the rest to keep it fresh? Then simply rub a little butter to store.

Polishing of leather goods

Leather goods require the same care as our skin in order to appear new and clean. Using a cloth, apply something to the leather, regardless of whether it is shoes, belts, furniture, etc. The leather will then shine again.

To avoid overflowing boiling water

Boiling water

To prevent boiling water from spilling over, just add something.

Remove ink stains from plastic objects

Ink stains on plastic objects can then make us desperate. Here, too, she provides good help. These stains can be easily removed with butter and a little salt.

Apply butter and then leave in the sun for a day. After removing it, clean the item as usual.

Easy shave

Armpit lighten

 Expensive shaving creams are often used for depilation on legs and armpits , which often irritate sensitive skin.

A little tip is to apply a little butter before shaving. The result is then wonderful. This home remedy is inexpensive, it makes shaving easier and the skin remains soft and supple.

Removal of gum in hair

What child has not shown up at home with chewing gum in their hair? You don’t have to cut your hair right away. We have the solution: apply a good portion of butter to the hair that has been stuck on.

The oil will help pull the sticky gum out of your hair. Leave on for a few minutes and then the gum can be removed.

To remove a ring that is too narrow


It is very warm, the hands are swollen and the ring won’t come off the finger. With a little butter on the finger and on the ring, the problem is quickly eliminated and the piece of jewelery slides easily off the finger. 

For storing cheese

Cheese does  n’t last very long in the refrigerator. An effective way to extend the shelf life is to smear a little butter and store in an airtight container.

To avoid creaking doors


Over time, many doors creak when they are opened or pulled through. To avoid this annoying noise, apply a little butter to the hinges. The doors can be opened or closed silently again .

For removing residual adhesive

Residual adhesive on a surface is often difficult to remove. A good trick is to apply some butter. Then rub gently and rinse with a little water and cleaner.

Cutting sticky foods

Many foods have a sticky texture and are difficult to cut without breaking the shape. Rub something on the knife and the cut piece won’t fall apart.

For taking tablets

Swallowing a large pill can be a pain. Rub in and take with a glass of water.

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