COVID-19: Important Precautionary Measures!

The most important precautionary measures against the spread of COVID-19 are thorough hand washing and staying away from possible sources of infection. When in doubt or with possible symptoms, it is essential to follow the health authorities’ protocol. 

COVID-19: Important precautionary measures!

In December 2019, the first infections with the dreaded coronavirus COVID-19 were discovered in China. In the meantime, this virus has spread rapidly all over the world and we are experiencing sometimes dramatic situations.

The population is scared and unsafe in this extraordinary situation. Many withdraw to prevent possible infection or try wearing protective masks to prevent it. The consequences of COVID-19 include fear and panic, as well as strict quarantine protocols in many cities.

But the information that is spread about this coronavirus is often contradicting and unreliable. It is becoming more and more difficult to distinguish between fake news and factual reports. There is also a lot of fake news and myths circulating about the precautionary measures and the incubation period.

The COVID-19 is a virus that is  mainly transmitted through close contact with infected people, specifically through droplet transmission when those affected cough or sneeze. In today’s article we explain important precautionary measures to avoid infection with this coronavirus.

First measure against COVID-19: Avoid risk areas

Even if the virus is spreading more and more around the world,  there are particularly vulnerable areas that have become sources of infection. You should definitely avoid these risk areas, in which the risk of infection is particularly high, such as currently in northern Italy.

In addition, it is also important to avoid contact with infected people. While this is simple to say, it is actually quite complicated. Because the COVID-19 has a relatively long incubation period and we cannot know whether someone is already infected or not. In addition, the health system in many regions is already overloaded with diagnosing or treating patients.

It is therefore very difficult to prevent contact with infected people, because they often do not yet know that  they are sick because they do not show any symptoms. However, if symptoms are already present, you should definitely stop contact, even if the disease has not yet been officially diagnosed.

It is also responsible to avoid crowds. However, these measures are within the remit of the competent authorities, which may suspend events, events or professional activities.

The first recommendation is to stay away from people already infected with the coronavirus.

Safety distance

Scientists confirm that the virus can pass up to about 1 meter. Therefore, it is recommended to keep at least three feet away from other people if symptoms are present. In Italy, this precautionary measure has already become a general requirement.

Regular and thorough hand washing to prevent infection with the COVID-19

Hand washing is a basic precaution to avoid all kinds of infections. Thoroughly washing your hands is a must, especially after using the toilet, sneezing or coughing. Even when you come home or have been in contact with sick people, this simple and efficient measure is of the utmost importance.

Usually it is sufficient to wash your hands with soap. But of course you can also use disinfectants.

Regular and thorough hand washing to prevent infection with the COVID-19
Thorough hand washing, which should last at least 30 seconds, must become routine in times of the coronavirus to prevent infection.

Contact your family doctor by phone

If you have had contact with an infected person or if you suspect for other reasons that you may have COVID-19, you should contact your family doctor by phone. You can also find information, questions and answers on the homepage of the  Robert Koch Institute. 

Symptoms of an illness include coughing, frequent sneezing, shortness of breath, and fever. However, do not forget that many are currently in this situation and the health system can be overloaded as a result. You should therefore only call your doctor if there is actually a suspicion.

There are no specific precautionary measures for handling food or animals. However, it is important to stay up to date and to implement new instructions about the COVID-19 accordingly.

Brief summary: the most important precautionary measures against COVID-19

The most important precautionary measures to prevent infection with the new coronavirus are:

  • Regular and thorough hand washing
  • Keep away from possible sources of infection
  • Keep at least three feet away from people with typical symptoms (such as coughing)

If you have symptoms or suspect coronavirus, call your doctor. A basic precaution in this case is to quarantine yourself to prevent infecting others.

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