How To Repel White Flies On Houseplants With Vinegar

If your plants have been attacked by these insects and you don’t know what to do, don’t miss our vinegar tricks to get rid of the plague altogether.

How to get rid of white flies on indoor plants with vinegar

In our article we present you three easy methods to white flies completely houseplants to remove. Our plants fill our rooms with life and complement every furnishing style.

Since there is simply no more beautiful decoration than plants, we would of course like to learn how to keep them in perfect condition.

Plants have many advantages both indoors and in the garden. Not only are they a pretty decorative element, they also arouse our affection. So it happens that we too suffer when they are haunted by pests.

This is why it is so bad when white flies attack them. The plants lose their color and wither, which is really sad.

If that’s the case with you, don’t despair. We’ll show you how to completely remove whitefly.

You don’t even have to use chemicals that can cause allergies or other problems, especially if there are children or pets in the room.

Fighting whiteflies

Woman combats pests on house plants

White flies, also known as greenhouse whiteflies, are tiny insects about 3 mm in length that attack the leaves of our plants. They stab and suck out the sap.

The first thing you notice is some of the leaves turning yellow. They then dry up and then fall down.

These animals are very harmful because they reproduce so quickly. They produce at least four generations a year ! By generation we mean the life span of the animal from its origin in the egg to its death.

It is a summer plague that multiplies fastest in hot and humid climates. That is why they are all the more dangerous indoors and in greenhouses because there they find the perfect conditions for their reproduction.

They even manage to produce up to eleven generations in just one year !

3 ways to use vinegar to wipe out the pests

Vessel with white vinegar

Vinegar is diluted acetic acid and is obtained by fermenting a product that contains sugar or starch.

It has antiseptic and disinfectant ingredients, which is why it is so often used in the medical and pharmaceutical fields.

Benefits of Using Vinegar

  • It’s inexpensive.
  • The manufacture of the products that we are introducing to you today is very simple. You can prepare them in seconds.
  • It completely removes white flies.
  • There are no stains.
  • Vinegar is not harmful to children or pets.
  • Since it has an antibacterial effect, it helps kill the germs that the plant or the environment could have.

1. Fly trap

Whiteflies love fermented foods, which is why the vinegar is so ideal for them.

In addition, the acetic acid reduces their ability to move, which makes it easier to catch. So if we set up a vessel with vinegar, the flies will climb in and never come out.

What do you need for that?

  • A vessel with a wide opening
  • knife
  • 1 cup of vinegar

What should I do?

  • First, put the vinegar in the jar.
  • Then take the lid and poke large holes in it with the knife.
  • Then screw the lid onto the jar.

2. Add vinegar to food to remove whitefly

If you mix vinegar with a sticky food like peanut butter and smear it in a closed container with holes in it, the flies will go in search of the treat.

When they find it, they get stuck on it and there is no way out of the plague.

What do you need for that?

  • A small cardboard box with holes on the top.
  • A plate
  • 2 spoons of vinegar
  • Two spoons of peanut butter.

How does it work?

  • Put the peanut butter and vinegar on a plate first.
  • Then mix the two ingredients thoroughly.
  • Then place the plate in the box and close it.

3. Use vinegar and soap

This is a particularly great trap because the flies leave the plants alone to get to the mix. However, they can not escape through the soap .

This recipe is also very useful because you can make multiple traps and set them up in different places.

What you need for this:

  • 1 cup of apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 cup of liquid soap
  • Cup or vessel

How do you make the trap?

  • First you need to mix the soap and vinegar together.
  • Then place the mixture near the affected plant.

Use these simple vinegar tricks to successfully fight white flies. Try them out and see how much your houseplants will thank you for it!

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