This Will Keep You Looking Youthful Longer!

To look youthful for longer, the most important thing is your lifestyle. The healthier it is, the better!

This will keep you looking youthful longer!

Many people, especially women, want to look youthful when they are middle-aged . But not all of them really succeed. It is primarily a result of how they care for themselves and their bodies, how they look and how they affect other people.

Stay youthful – also in spirit!

In order to stay youthful , you should not only focus your efforts on your looks, but also keep your spirit young.

This is sometimes more difficult than you think, because after a certain age you are mentally stuck with “can’t”, “doesn’t work” and “has always been like that”. In order to remain youthful in the spirit, you have to break through these thought structures.

If you catch yourself mentally barricading yourself in “adult” or “old” thought structures that you would have criticized your parents yourself earlier, your charisma will also appear anything but youthful. Open your mind, be open to other opinions, life plans and people.

Woman at the hairdresser wants to stay youthful

Of course, the outside also counts!

Surely you know the saying: “From the back Lyceum, from the front museum”, with which one wants to express that a person looks youthful from behind, but as soon as you look this person in the face, you see the real age or assume a higher age than is stated in the ID.

So it is not only about keeping your body youthful, but also about keeping your face and charisma accordingly. A girlish body with a face marked by poor lifestyle looks more ridiculous than youthful.

So make sure that the overall picture is correct. And if that doesn’t work – are you at peace with yourself, you don’t care about the outside, right? If not, here are our tips for looking youthful:

No nicotine

It is a well-known fact that smoking cigarettes and other glowing sticks causes the skin to age much faster. In heavy smokers, the vocal cords also change so that the voice sounds anything but youthful.

Wrinkled smoker’s skin, yellow nicotine fingers and yellow discolored teeth show that you mean well with your health. The appearance of a middle-aged smoker is far from youthful! On the contrary, the youthful sin of starting to smoke is now taking revenge!

No alcohol

Yes, alcohol also causes the body to age faster, because alcohol is a cell poison. This risk does not exist with occasional consumption, but the daily glass of wine or beer is too much.

Alcohol causes certain erectile tissue on the face to fill with water. The so-called “schnapps nose” recognizes even the layman.

Puffy cheeks may appear wrinkle-free, but they can be a clear sign of excessive and regular alcohol consumption. Swollen bags under the eyes can also be a result. If you give up alcohol entirely or only drink it on certain special occasions, you will retain your youthfulness for longer.

staying youthful with exercise


A young, healthy girl has a toned body. You can do this even if you’re not 20 years old but regularly keep your muscles strong. This not only ensures a more youthful appearance, but is also important for health care.

Strong muscles

  • support the joints,
  • protect against sports and fall injuries,
  • increase the basal metabolic rate and
  • tighten the skin.

In addition, exercise ensures a healthy cardiovascular system and strengthens your heart. After all, what use is a girlish, youthful appearance if the stairs to the first floor make you a puffing, sweating and gasping “grandma”?

Healthy eating

A healthy diet that provides you with all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals your body needs to work optimally is a good basis for maintaining your youthfulness. But not only macronutrients are important, also the quality. Therefore, make sure that your diet contains a lot of fruits and vegetables in order to add lesser-known but vital things to the body:

  • Secondary plant substances
  • Fiber
  • Healthy fatty acids

A healthy diet contains few animal fats, but only high-quality vegetable oils, whole grain products instead of white flour, no sugar, little meat, regular sea fish and lots of fruit and vegetables. This should also enable you to maintain your weight and reach a normal youthful weight.

You don’t care if you look youthful or not? Bravo! Then you have a healthy sense of self. Nevertheless, you should heed all of these tips to stay healthy and fit in the long term, even in old age.

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