Some People Criticize Everything – But Who Cares?

Sometimes nothing you do is good enough to meet the expectations of the people around you. But who cares? You just have to meet your own expectations.

Some criticize everything - but who cares?

Some people criticize everything you do and this makes you feel like a failure without being. In particular, if the unjustified criticism comes from family members or the partner, it can be very destructive.

These personality profiles have a very specific goal: to submit to you and to subordinate yourself to their behavior patterns and values.

This is very common in our society: there is always a friend, family member or work colleague who constantly criticizes our words or actions. You can never please them whatever you do.

Then we will explain what you can do in this case.

If everyone criticizes you, set yourself free!

Emotional openness, active listening and reciprocity are values ​​that are not that easy to find. We humans are very complicated and not everyone interprets the  meaning of “ respect” in the same way.

Behind each of us there are infinite dimensions that must also be taken into account.

  • Fears: This limiting feeling can sometimes lead someone to try to control others so as not to lose them.

Fear can also force some to humiliate others in order to gain power, to validate themselves and hide what actually instills fear, namely that others discover the low self-esteem that makes you weak.

  • The education we received: This aspect is also fundamental. Growing up without healthy bonds that give us security, without someone to teach us respect, we lack personal and affective strategies.
  • Our personal interests, including our selfish attitudes and expectations. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how we were raised. Some try to control their surroundings and engage in power struggles to put themselves at the center.

    All of this shows us something very simple: Man is very adept at wearing armor. Nobody knows who is actually hiding behind it.

    But the harder the armor, the more complex the being hidden underneath. 

    Then we will explain how you can protect yourself from people who just want to criticize and control everything.

    Your priorities are not mine

    We are sure that at some point you have experienced the following situation: Suddenly you become aware that things that you value are disregarded by others.

    For example, if you choose to be vegetarian, your family will begin to criticize you and make fun of you.

    When you come home with a new friend, you are accused of “deserving better”. You shouldn’t feel offended by this, but learn to understand certain things:

    • Every person has a different point of view. However, some  do not allow others to be what they want,  but try to impose their own criteria. They think their truth is better than anyone else’s.

    Of course this is not true. There are several things you should understand in these situations:

    • We are not satellites orbiting a planet: everyone is free and has the right to live in their own universe and in dignity.
    • Nobody is entitled to impose something on someone and say how to be happy.

      What makes me happy is good for me

      If you are happy with what you do or say, don’t care about those who criticize you all the time.

      Your choice defines you and every step you take determines your path that belongs only to you and no one else.

      • So be aware that if others do not accept or criticize your choice, that is their own problem, not your problem. Only you live in your own skin. Be aware of yourself and your own needs. 
      • If you only live to please others or to adapt to what is expected of you, your life makes no sense. Building your own happiness requires courage, self-knowledge and the fight for what you have earned.

        Life is too short to live the way others want it to be

        You can of course make mistakes and  whoever loves you wants to help you in these situations. However, those who correct you, punish you, humiliate you on a daily basis or make you look ridiculous will not help you, but destroy you.

        • When you have someone by your side who does this, you need to understand that that person is not going to change. It is very difficult for someone to change who has no compassion or reciprocity.
        • You need to become aware of something fundamental: life is far too short to be unhappy. Put yourself in the foreground. If you can’t please someone, accept this and distance yourself.

        You know you do things well because you do them your way and stick to your personality and values. Nobody should destroy this balance, nobody should weaken your self-esteem. 

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