Preparation Of Garlic Honey To Combat Breathing Difficulties

Garlic honey is a natural home remedy for breathing difficulties and colds. It cleanses the airways and strengthens the body’s defenses.

Preparation of garlic honey to combat breathing difficulties

Today we introduce a natural home remedy for breathing difficulties. The garlic honey cleanses the airways and strengthens the body’s defenses.

Difficulty breathing is common, but not only in winter.  A weakened immune system is often responsible for this. It affects people of all ages, but most often small children and people over 65 years of age.

The causes are usually infection by various viruses and bacteria that cannot be fended off by a weak immune system. In addition to breathing difficulties, there are usually other annoying symptoms as well.

Treatment depends on the exact cause and how the symptoms develop in the first few days. With the home remedy made from honey and garlic, you will quickly feel better again.

It’s best to write it down right away!

Garlic honey to fight respiratory diseases

Garlic and honey are nature’s great gifts for human health. Its active ingredients and nutrients invigorate the body and promote health.

It is unclear where this combination was first used. The origins could be found in traditional Chinese medicine or in Egypt. What is certain is that garlic honey is very popular worldwide because it is natural and works very well.

Properties of garlic 

Garlic for garlic honey

Garlic is a spice that is very popular for enhancing the flavor of various dishes. In addition, it is also a powerful natural remedy, the healing powers of which have been used since ancient times.

It has been shown that garlic has a stimulating and expectorant effect and can thus help clear blocked airways. 

The active ingredient, allicin, also has anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve sore throats, sinus infections, and other symptoms that are normally associated with respiratory problems.

It is considered to be one of the best antibiotics, and in some cases it is more effective than many drugs with the same indication.

Garlic is also said to have digestive and anti-cancer effects, which can be crucial for health.

Regarding the respiratory system, garlic is used to:

  • Treat cough,
  • Control asthma,
  • Fight bronchitis
  • Treat tuberculosis,
  • To relieve flu and cold and
  • To prevent allergies.

It should be noted that garlic is also a natural source of:

  • Fiber,
  • Sugar,
  • Proteins,
  • Vitamins (A, C and E) and
  • Minerals (calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium).

Properties of bee honey

Bee honey for the garlic honey

Bee honey is a natural product made by bees of the Apis Mellifera species on the basis of flower nectar.

Honey is very popular for various alternative healing methods and provides valuable nutrients.

Many also appreciate the bee product as a source of energy,  because it is known to contain a high proportion of sugar (between 70% and 80%).

In addition, it contains antioxidants and has an antibiotic effect  and is therefore ideal for the lungs and the respiratory system in general.

Honey provides the body with essential components

  • Vitamins (B complex and C),
  • Folic acid,
  • Lactic acid,
  • Phosphoric acid and
  • Minerals (phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, silicon and iron).

How do you prepare garlic honey?

Prepare the garlic honey

As mentioned earlier, garlic honey can be made to relieve symptoms of respiratory problems. It can also be used preventively to strengthen the immune system.


  • 1 whole garlic
  • 1 cup of organic honey (335 g)
  • a sterilized glass container


  • Cut the garlic cloves into many thin strips or pieces and place in the glass jar.
  • Add the honey and put the mixture in a cool and dark place.
  • Let soak for a week and then start consuming.
  • As a prophylaxis, a teaspoon on an empty stomach is recommended.
  • When it comes to treating illnesses, take a maximum of five teaspoons per day for six days.

To be used at

  • Flu and colds
  • Obstruction of the airways
  • Fever and chills
  • Dry cough and phlegm
  • Infections

Have you tried this incredible cure yet? If you haven’t yet benefited from its health benefits, prepare it now and take it regularly.

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