She Beats Cancer, But Bullying At School Drives Her To Her Death

The Bethany case shows us that the wounds caused by bullying at school go much deeper than cancer and its aftermath could be.

She defeats cancer, but bullying at school drives her to her death

One of parents’ greatest fears is that one of their children will develop cancer, because treatments, side effects and consequences are complicated. But there are other dangers that are leading more and more children to death. This also includes  bullying.

Today we want to bring you closer to the story of Bethany,  a wonderful girl who had the strength to conquer her cancer. But mental suffering is often much more destructive than physical illness.

Bethany was able to overcome a serious cancer disease for 3 years  , but when she was 11, bullying  at school drove her  to commit suicide! She could no longer bear the chicane and teasing of her classmates.

The serious cancer in childhood resulted in nerve damage. This caused one of the two corners of the mouth to hang down a little. And this otherness was mercilessly used by the classmates of the brave girl to make her fancy. 

Bethany tried to deal with it as best she could. She informed her parents and the school about the problem. But despite the parents’ best efforts, the situation did not improve. So it came about that Bethany made a drastic decision.


Bethany and her friend drew attention to the mobbying through posters

The fight against such a serious disease as a brain tumor at a young age leaves its mark.

Every day, every second is a fight against death,  and you quickly learn that you have to look life in the eye,  preferably with the help of friends or family.

So Bethany, tired of teasing, relied on her best friend. Together they made posters that read: “Friends, not perpetrators” to  alert the school administration to the problem.

The situation could not be denied because it was clear. The answer was also clear: there is nothing we can do. 

That was the summit of the path that the parents had covered with Bethany. They spoke to the school administration to convince those responsible to protect their daughter from being bullied.


But that wasn’t enough either, the school management openly admits that. She already knew the problem but  was unable to do anything about it. 

Those in charge of the school would never have thought how far the suffering that was inflicted on Bethany by her classmates could go.

By the time Bethany saw  she was being ignored, she probably went home with her resolve. She knew her stepfather had a gun and used it to end her life.

The mobbying was harder to endure than surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The twisted smile that was full of life after defeating the brain tumor was defeated.

The chic of her classmates and her loneliness took away the girl’s courage to live.

Bullying: a growing problem


In Germany, too, numerous children are bullied by classmates every week. The question here is where are the mistakes and what can be done to put an end to them.

In a world where more information is available to children and young people than ever before,  those who are a little different are particularly vulnerable. 

Teachers and school management point out that it is impossible for them to educate in massive classes. In addition, there are increasing bureaucratic obligations and  increasingly demanding families who, however, have no time for their children. 

The conditions and working hours of parents or legal guardians are  difficult to reconcile with the upbringing of the children. The teachers, on the other hand, do not feel responsible for the upbringing of the children and have no options for it.

mother-with-child fighting-against-bullying

It is time to change something and also analyze why there are more and more perpetrators.

What goes on in the mind of a ten year old child that makes life impossible for his victim? Why does it need to boost self-esteem by bullying others? Finally, the perpetrators also suffer from their anger and aggressiveness.

A problem cannot be solved by ignoring the causes.

This topic needs more attention, schools and families need opportunities to exercise their responsibilities.

It is time to develop strategies to end this evil. There are far too many victims!

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