Water With Lemon And Chia – Especially Healthy For Women!

This simple recipe provides lots of vitamins, calcium, proteins and antioxidants. In addition, it has a filling effect and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Do you want to taste it?

Water with lemon and chia - especially healthy for women!

Lemon and chia water is easy to make and very healthy. If you take this combination regularly, you can benefit from numerous advantages.

This blend is rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants that  help prevent premature aging while also helping you maintain a healthy weight.

Water with lemon and chia is an excellent drink for women’s health and beauty. This information will surely interest you in order to be able to benefit from it on a daily basis. Today we invite you to learn more about the benefits of this recipe.

Water with lemon and chia provides calcium

The keyword calcium is usually immediately associated with dairy products. However, you should know that there are foods that  contain far more calcium and are easier to digest than milk.

In addition, it is important to consider the following facts:

  • Vitamin C-rich fruits such as lemons promote the synthesis and storage of calcium  in your body.
  • Lemon provides very little energy, but due to the vitamins and phytonutrients it contains, it is very healthy and should therefore be regularly on the menu.
  • Chia seeds are rich in various minerals,  especially potassium and calcium.
  • In addition, chia is considered a super food as these seeds contain valuable proteins. It is undoubtedly a very complete food that is recommended to all women from menopause.
Water with chia

Lemon and Chia water for weight loss

As mentioned earlier, both of these ingredients are very important to a woman’s health. This can improve nutrition while promoting various basic functions.

This home remedy alone will not simply make the unpopular, resilient love handles on the stomach and hips go away,  but it does help weight loss for the following reasons:

  • In a study published by the American Society for Nutrition, it was found that  chia promotes weight loss because these seeds have a filling effect  and therefore curb hunger pangs.
Woman with scales wants to lose weight with chia
  • In addition, the combination of lemon and chia helps  regulate blood sugar levels,  cleanse the body and nourish the intestinal transit.
  • Chia contains valuable omega-3 fatty acids,  fiber, antioxidants, proteins and minerals, which mean that the love handles are no longer so unruly.
  • One of the special properties of chia seeds is their ability  to multiply their own weight by 10 times by absorbing water. What does that mean?
    • Chia prevents dehydration and improves the absorption of nutrients.
    • The zinc it contains gives the muscles energy and resistance, which can also support the fight against unhealthy fat.
  • It is also interesting to know that this natural remedy should be taken in the morning and also relieves inflammation. In addition, it protects cardiovascular health. 

Water with lemon and chia against premature aging

A healthy organism that is free from harmful substances and whose vitamin requirements are met is synonymous with well-being and beauty.

However, factors such as stress, UV radiation or environmental pollution as well as an unhealthy diet promote premature aging of the organism.

A habit as simple as a glass of lemon and chia in the morning  keeps us fit and beautiful, because it can prevent premature aging. These are the reasons for this:

  • Chia seeds contain important phenols (antioxidants) in concentrated form. When combined with lemon juice, they work even better against free radicals.
  • The antioxidants contained in lemon and chia seeds care for the skin,  counteract inflammation and at the same time improve the elasticity of the epidermis.

How is water made with lemon and chia?

Water with chia and lemon for weight loss


  • 5 g chia seeds
  • 1.5 glasses of water (300 ml)
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon honey (25 g)

Honey not only tastes delicious, it is also very healthy!


  • The chia seeds must first be soaked in half a glass of water (100 ml) so that they can swell.
  • After at least an hour these are soft and gel-like.
  • After that, the lemon is squeezed to get the juice. This is mixed with the rest of the water and the chia gel.
  • Sweeten with a little honey and drink this mixture on an empty stomach. 

Your health will be grateful to you!

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