Insufficient Sleep: This Happens To Your Body

Getting enough sleep is very important for the body. But what if you don’t get enough sleep? We’ll show you what the consequences are and how you can prevent them.

Insufficient sleep: this happens to your body

It is important to understand the role that deep and restful sleep plays in the body. We’ll show you how  too little sleep affects your health.

Because the most important function of sleep is to rest your body and mind and prepare them for a new day. Sleep also affects your metabolism.

We’re talking about what happens when you  get too little sleep . But the quality of sleep is also crucial. For one person, 6 hours of restful sleep may be enough, while someone else still feels tired after 10 hours.

The body of a person who sleeps too little can be compared to a machine that operates around the clock. In the end, man will most certainly collapse. How fast or slow this process happens depends on your health.

Sleep disorders are responsible for many health problems and can change the way organs work. In addition, poor sleep can increase pain perception and impair memory. Last but not least, the immune system also suffers.

Insufficient sleep as a risk for Alzheimer’s

Too little sleep is bad for the brain

Doctors have long suspected a connection between sleep disorders and the occurrence of Alzheimer’s. Recent studies show an increase in certain biomarkers in the body of patients who did not get enough sleep, which is indicative of the disease. It is primarily substances such as tau proteins that typically appear in the early stages of dementia.

In the studies, patients who slept less than 5 hours per night had a significantly increased concentration of these biomarkers. The same applies to people who slept poorly between 6 and 8 hours.

If tau proteins build up in the brain, it is harmful. As a result, deposits are formed that are toxic to the neurons.

The presence of the biomarkers causes excessive tiredness and drives the breakdown in the brain so that it becomes more sensitive to external influences. Together with the exhaustion that comes with not getting enough sleep, the risk of developing Alzheimer’s increases.

But the question of cause and result is not always easy to answer. Because an increased concentration of tau proteins can trigger sleep disorders and insomnia. Nevertheless, we can safely assume that good, restful sleep is important for the body.

Simple tips to help you sleep better

Good, restful sleep has a number of health benefits. He can:

  • prevent cell aging,
  • combat physical, psychological and emotional disorders,
  • improve appetite control and positively influence weight,
  • reduce the side effects of constant fatigue,
  • provide the body with energy, improve mood and increase performance.

1. Reduce your stress

Insufficient sleep causes stress

Stress is arguably the main reason many people cannot sleep well right now. But it has a number of health consequences. In order to improve the quality of life sustainably, you should reduce stress and anxiety so that you can sleep better.

Even if it seems impossible to get rid of stress, small changes in your daily routine often make a difference.

  • Separate work and personal life. Respect rest times and time for leisure activities.
  • Take part in offers that relax you. Yoga, Pilates or meditation are very suitable.
  • Work on good habits that will energize you and help you relax.
  • Prepare yourself mentally for bedtime. You should be relaxed and calm. Try to think positively. Put your work and cell phone aside, have a cup of tea and take a deep breath.

2. Eat a balanced diet

A poor diet and frequent digestive problems can have a lasting negative effect on sleep. They also weaken your immune system, which makes you susceptible to disease.

Eat a light, low-carb dinner if possible. That way, you’ll improve your digestion and your full stomach won’t keep you awake at night. You should also eat a balanced and healthy diet during the day.

3. Exercise regularly

Too little sleep makes you tired

Exercising regularly has many physical and psychological benefits. You keep your weight and at the same time strengthen your heart, circulation and lungs. Exercise can also increase your self-confidence.

Start with walking 30 to 45 minutes a day. Exercise protects your body from the effects of not getting enough sleep. You will also improve your physical and mental performance.

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