12 Natural Home Remedies For Joint Pain

The antioxidant properties of rosemary ensure that cartilage wear is reduced in patients with osteoarthritis.

12 natural home remedies for joint pain

There are many causes of joint pain: incorrect movement, a chronic illness, incorrect posture over a long period of time and much more can lead to joint problems. In this post you will find natural  home remedies for joint pain. 

Phytotherapy for joint pain

With the help of natural herbs and plants, you can relieve the pain and inflammation in your joints, improve mobility, and prevent wear and tear.

Natural  home remedies for joint pain , teas and extracts from the following plants can increase your well-being:

Natural home remedies for joint pain


The antioxidant properties of rosemary ensure that the wear and tear on the cartilage is reduced in patients with osteoarthritis. You can use the seasoning in soups, sauces, and meat dishes.
Rosemary tea (one teaspoon per cup of boiling water) is also very helpful. Drink a maximum of three cups a day.

Stinging nettle

Stinging nettles have a dehydrating effect and therefore help drain fluids that collect in the inflamed joints.
To benefit from the properties of this plant, three cups of stinging nettle root tea are recommended daily (one tablespoon per 1/4 water, let steep for ten minutes and seven).


Ginger is a herb that reduces joint pain and soothes inflammation. Just rub some ginger on your lettuce or buy it in powder form. You can also make ginger tea (one teaspoon of dry ginger root per cup of boiling water).


Birch has many diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, making it great for treating people with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Applications with birch can help reduce inflammation.

It also helps to expel fluids that have accumulated in the joints. Make tea with one teaspoon of dried birch leaves per cup of water. Don’t drink more than two cups a day.

More natural home remedies for joint pain

In addition to the medicinal herbs, you can treat joint pain with the following home remedies:

Cod liver oil

Cod liver oil is available in health food stores and health food stores. One study showed that 86% of cod liver oil consumers had fewer damaged enzymes in their cartilage.

Eating three servings of cod a week also relieves inflammatory joint diseases such as arthritis.

Green tea

Green tea contains valuable antioxidants which, among other things, prevent the accumulation of liquids and fats.

So if your joints hurt from being overweight, this tea is ideal. In addition, the polyphenols contained in tea reduce cartilage damage.

Green tea


Fresh pineapple or fresh pineapple juice also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects – this is thanks to the enzyme bormelain. The emphasis here is on fresh, because canned or cooked fruits lose valuable nutrients.


Flaxseed can also be very helpful for joint pain, as it contains valuable  omega-3 fatty acids  (like cold water fish).


Fresh or as a juice, blackberries also help with joint pain relief. They contain natural anti-inflammatory substances and are delicious too.


Not only are there many excellent recipes with cabbage, it can also be used as a wrap on painful areas. Simply warm up a cabbage leaf in the oven or then in a water bath and place it on the joint until it gets cold.

Camomile tea

Chamomile tea not only relaxes muscles and joints, it also relieves pain . Simply massage a few drops of chamomile essential oil onto the affected area in a circular motion .  The oil is not rinsed off, it should then be completely absorbed by the skin.

Camomile tea


Like chamomile, eucalyptus can be used internally as well as externally. The best way to treat joint pain with eucalyptus is to use eucalyptus essential oil. This is available in natural food stores and health food stores.

Dissolve 30 ml of the oil in lukewarm water and then massage it onto the painful areas. By the way, you can do the same procedure with rosemary oil.

Tips for preventing or relieving joint pain

In addition to the home remedies mentioned, you should also follow healthy habits to relieve joint pain.

Cold treatment

Cold treatments are very popular and helpful for joint pain. Simply put some ice cubes in a plastic bag, wrap a cloth and let it work on the painful area. This home remedy works particularly well against inflammation.

Heat treatment

A heat pillow is also ideal for joint pain. Simply place it on the affected area, you will feel the beneficial effect immediately. You can also warm a towel or moisten it with hot water.


Exercise can not only reduce pain, but also increase your mobility. Suitable sports are yoga, pilates, tai chi or walks in the fresh air. Avoid strenuous sports as they can have the opposite effect.

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