Can You Control Psoriasis?

Can you control psoriasis?

Both women and men suffer from this skin disease, which is also known technically as psoriasis. Although doctors do not yet see a cure for this disease, there are several factors that help control psoriasis naturally.

In this post, you will learn how diet and various natural remedies can be used to treat this skin disease.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that manifests itself in flare- ups through flaking skin and inflammation on certain parts of the body. 

In this disease, the skin cells renew themselves faster, especially on the elbows, knees, scalp, face and soles of the feet, but also in other places.

Psoriasis is common, especially between the ages of 15 and 35. Disorders of the immune system and hereditary predisposition play an important role here. Stress, climatic factors and diet also influence this disease.

This post will tell you what habits you can change to improve symptoms and treat or even cure the disease.

Personalized nutrition plan

Every organism functions differently, which is why not all foods have the same effect on everyone. Psoriasis can also be promoted or triggered by a food intolerance. 

The most common intolerances are caused by gluten and lactose, so we recommend that you observe how a change in diet or the omission of different foods affects your body.

Whole grain bread

Cleanse the skin from the inside

Since this disease directly affects the skin cells,  a complete natural treatment is recommended, which begins with the internal cleansing and detoxification of the body. 

If the liver, kidneys and intestines are activated, the overloaded skin will benefit greatly and can regulate itself better. We therefore recommend including cleansing juices and shakes in your daily diet.

cucumber mint juice

Envelopes with clay

An old, very effective remedy for skin complaints and at the same time a popular beauty product is clay. You can put compresses on the affected areas – even in the acute phase.

To avoid drying out the skin too much,  we recommend a mixture of clay, water and yogurt instead. This supplies the skin with moisture at the same time.

You should be careful not to use plastic or metal containers to make the mixture. Wooden or glass bowls are best. Let the mixture work for 20 to 30 minutes and then carefully rinse with water.

This application can be carried out once a week as a preventive measure and every other day in acute phases.

Baths and teas with licorice

Licorice is also known as natural cortisone. It contains active ingredients that block the breakdown of the body’s own cortisone and thus prolong the effect.

It also extends the life of the cortisone and reduces the formation of inflammatory substances, making it an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, especially psoriasis.

To reap the benefits,  you can bathe in liquorice infusions and drink them regularly.

However, you shouldn’t forget that licorice slightly increases blood pressure – if you have high blood pressure values, you should therefore only take this natural remedy under medical supervision.


Envelopes with carrots

Another very soothing remedy for psoriasis in the acute phase is a compress with grated carrots, which is placed directly on the affected skin for 20 minutes.

Carrots are high in beta-carotene and therefore excellent for skin health. These envelopes can be used alternately with the clay envelopes.

Sun and sea

Many sufferers feel a significant improvement in skin health on the beach in summer

It is also important to go briefly in the sun every day throughout the year – but you should definitely avoid midday, when the radiation is most intense.

If you don’t have a chance to go to the beach, you can bathe in sea salt or spray it directly on your skin with a spray.

Images provided by asimulator, chotda and chiot’s run.

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