How Can I Clean And Disinfect My House?

Cleaning and disinfecting at home is essential to reduce the risk of infection. In today’s article you will find various recommendations that you can easily implement. 

How can I clean and disinfect my house?

Our recommendations today are very useful, especially in times of the coronavirus, for cleaning and disinfecting the house. Many are concerned as the virus continues to spread. Precautionary measures are therefore particularly important in order to reduce the risk of infection. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) explains that COVID-19 can be transmitted from person to person through close contact. It does this via a droplet infection, in which when an infected person speaks, sneezes, or coughs, viruses are released and then taken in by another person.

However, the infected droplets can also stick to the surface of objects and pose a risk of infection. If someone touches the infected surfaces and then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth, they could become infected with the disease. Therefore, thorough cleaning is very important to reduce this risk. Find out today what you should be aware of.

How can I clean and disinfect my house?

The purpose of cleaning and disinfection is to limit the survivability of the virus, which could settle on various surfaces in the house for a certain period of time. In today’s article we refer specifically to the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in connection with COVID-19, but these tips are also used in other cases to reduce the risk of infection by viruses.

Proper cleaning and disinfection of the house is synonymous with well-being. Pathogens and dirt are removed, which reduces the risk of infection. Then learn more about this topic.

Cleaning and disinfecting the house: the best routine

Clean and disinfect the house
Start by cleaning and disinfecting any surfaces that you have frequent contact with.

During the day we touch certain surfaces again and again. It can be a table, doorknobs, light switches, the toilet, and other things. It is important to properly disinfect them; superficial cleaning is not enough.

The CDC  recommend approved cleaning agents and disinfectants that are suitable for the respective surface. You should take the time to read the information on the product description in order to be able to use the product correctly afterwards.

What to do if a family member is infected

If a person who is already infected with the coronavirus is in quarantine in the house or if there is a suspicion of infection, the CDC recommend that strict cleaning measures are followed.

The relevant instructions are a reminder  that the patient should be in a separate room if possible. This should be as far away from the others as possible. In general, the following information must be taken into account:

  • Surfaces (like those already mentioned) that are constantly touched must be cleaned and disinfected daily.
  • The toilet and bathroom as well as the personal utensils of all family members and especially the sick person must  be cleaned regularly. Towels, sheets, clothes, etc. also need to be washed regularly.
  • If the sick person is not a child or a disabled person, and if there are no contact problems with disinfectants,  the isolated patient can clean and disinfect all the necessary surfaces and areas himself so as not to endanger the others. 
  • If there is only one bathroom in the house, it  must be cleaned and disinfected after each use by the patient. 

Final recommendations for cleaning and sanitizing the house

Clean and disinfect the toilet
All elements with which the (possibly) sick person has contact must be disinfected according to the protocol.

There are other precautionary measures that should be taken into account when cleaning and disinfecting. They are equally important when there is a suspicion of infection and when the diagnosis is confirmed. These recommendations should not only be taken into account with COVID-19, but with any risk of infection of this type.

  • Use disposable gloves to clean and disinfect the surfaces. After a single use, you dispose of them.
  • After removing the gloves, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Soft or porous surfaces such as carpets or wallpaper must also be cleaned regularly with suitable cleaning agents. It is also advisable to wash them with hot water.
  • Gloves should be worn when washing an infected person’s laundry. Do not shake them out and wash them in the hotest possible temperature.

Don’t forget that it is of the utmost importance to thoroughly clean your hands several times a day. Use soap and water to reduce the risk of infection. When sick people are in the house, the hygiene measures should be particularly strict.

Thorough hand washing is a must after every contact with pets, before and after preparing food, before eating and after using the toilet, after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing and in other situations too 

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