10 Properties Of Coconut Water

Although coconut water contains natural sugar, it helps to lower blood sugar levels. It converts glucose into energy.

10 properties of coconut water

Coconut water is a popular soft drink around the world that gives energy and inspires many people. The most important properties of coconut water include its nutrients and beneficial effects on health.

It is made from green coconuts, is completely natural and 95 percent water. It also contains antioxidants, sugars, and minerals.

The drink should not be confused with coconut milk, as they contain different nutrients. In addition, coconut water is obtained directly, while coconut milk has to be produced artificially.

Despite its high content of fatty acids and essential amino acids, the water has few calories and is therefore a healthy way of supplying the body with fluids.

Then we will introduce you to 10 great properties of coconut water to make this wonder drink even better known.

Have fun!

1. Helps with fluid retention


Due to its high content of essential minerals, especially potassium, coconut water is ideal as a natural remedy for fluid retention in the tissue.

  • The nutrients support kidney function, reduce sodium levels and also stimulate urine production.
  • So it is a natural dehydrating agent that can be used to combat inflammation and other problems.

2. The properties of coconut water help cleanse the kidneys

One of the positive properties of coconut water is its high content of electrolytes, which have a balancing effect on the body’s mineral salt content and cleanse the kidneys.

  • The elimination of toxins and metal residues from the body is promoted, which in turn prevents possible kidney weakness and stones.

3. Has a positive effect on high blood pressure

Blood pressure

Since coconut water contains a lot of potassium, magnesium and zinc, it is an excellent drink for people with high blood pressure.

  • Because these minerals promote the excretion of sodium, improve the elasticity of the arteries and also stimulate the circulation.

4. Energy source

Coconut water improves brain and muscle health because it is high in easy-to-absorb fatty acids, proteins and carbohydrates. This is one of the reasons why it has similar effects to an energy drink.

  • The properties of coconut water not only have a positive effect on muscle tension but also promote the central nervous system.
  • It is particularly recommended as a drink for athletes, as the electrolytes it contains  help the body absorb nutrients that are lost through exercise.

5. Improve digestion


Fiber and antioxidants found in coconut water help heal digestive tract disorders such as constipation and parasites.

  • The properties of coconut water promote the absorption of nutrients and also increase the presence of bioactive enzymes.
  • These substances accelerate the excretion of leftovers in the intestine and regulate the pH value of the stomach.
  • It is recommended for reflux and general digestive disorders.

6. Alkalizes the body

Over-acidification of the organism leads to inflammation in the body and can cause a series of chronic diseases that reduce the quality of life.

The properties of coconut water balance the pH and then naturally alkalize the blood.

7. Improves blood circulation


The ingredients in coconut water act like a miracle cure for the heart muscle. They eliminate excess cholesterol and other substances that can negatively affect arteries and the heart.

The essential fatty acids clean the veins and improve blood circulation. This reduces the likelihood of developing chronic cardiovascular diseases.

8. Prevents infection

The many nutrients in coconut water strengthen the body’s defense against pathogens.

Regular consumption destroys microorganisms and fungi  and changes the body in such a positive way that they can no longer multiply.

9. Regulates blood sugar

Self test

Although coconut water contains natural sugar, it helps regulate glucose in the blood.

Its ingredients enable the body to convert more sugar into energy. It also reduces the amount of glycated hemoglobin.

10. Prevents premature aging

The naturally occurring cytokines in the drink delay the aging process  because they improve the activity of the cells.

Together with vitamin E and fatty acids, they create a kind of protective barrier against oxidative damage and therefore reduce the risk of premature aging of internal organs and skin.

As you can see, coconut water has a lot of benefits for our bodies.

It’s best to drink it several times a week and discover a new way to stay healthy.

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