Delicious Recipes For An Avocado Dip

You can refine salads with a delicious avocado dip, prepare a sandwich or add to many other dishes. We have a few simple recipes for you that you can prepare quickly. 

Delicious recipes for an avocado dip

The avocado has become increasingly popular around the world in recent years. It is characterized by its beneficial nutrients and  should therefore regularly find its place in a healthy and balanced diet. Do you want to try new recipes with avocados? An  avocado dip  tastes delicious with salads and other dishes and is quick and easy to prepare.

It is better to avoid finished products and make these delicious avocado sauces yourself, because it’s very easy and you know  that they only contain healthy ingredients. You are also doing something good for your wallet! So let’s start …

Avocado dip for salads: quick to prepare and very healthy!

Our recipes for a delicious avocado dip are low in calories and can replace other dressings or sauces. In contrast to commercial sauces, the  homemade dip does not contain any harmful chemicals or additives, only healthy ingredients.

The avocado has very special properties. Most fruits contain carbohydrates, but the  avocado is rich in healthy fatty acids. It also provides essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals, as well as other valuable nutrients.

Recipe for a delicious avocado dip

Recipe for a delicious avocado dip 
The avocado contains very healthy fatty acids.

It’s best to use a very ripe avocado with soft flesh. Because this is how you get the creamy texture you want. We also recommend extra virgin olive oil, which is very healthy. If you don’t have one on hand, you can also use sunflower oil or canola oil.


  • 1 large, very ripe avocado
  • Caraway seeds (7 g)
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 lemon with peel (organic quality)
  • 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (45 ml)
  • 1 handful of fresh coriander
  • Water (60 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon salt (5 g)


  • Wash the lemon and rub the peel, you will need it a little later to give the dip a lemony flavor.
  • Squeeze the lemon to preserve the juice.
  • Then halve the avocado, remove the stone and remove the pulp with a spoon.
  • Use a garlic press to squeeze the clove of garlic. If you are using whole caraway seeds, use the pestle to crush them in the mortar. However, you can also use pre-ground caraway seeds.
  • Chop the coriander into small pieces.
  • Then you puree the avocado with a fork and mix the puree with all the other ingredients. You can also process everything in the stand mixer.
  • You can refine salads with this dip! This tastes very good!

Spicy avocado dip

Spicy avocado dip
The spicy version of this avocado dip also tastes excellent and can be used many times over.

Do you love hot sauces? Then this creamy dip is just right for you. You can use it to give salads or other dishes a perfect touch. This dip is also suitable as a spread for a sandwich or with meat and many other dishes.


  • 2 medium-sized, ripe avocados
  • Juice of 3 small lemons
  • 1 bunch of cut coriander
  • 2 jalapeƱos (chile pods)
  • 4 pressed garlic cloves
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil
  • 1 teaspoon of ground caraway seeds
  • Salt to taste


  • Halve the avocados and remove the stone.
  • Then you remove the pulp with a spoon.
  • Then process all of the ingredients in the stand mixer until you have a creamy sauce.
  • You can then serve them straight away or keep them in the refrigerator.

Trick:  If you are not going to use the dip right away, add the avocado seeds so that it retains its beautiful green color.

A few more final tips

Avocado Dip Recipe
Only use healthy oils in these recipes.

These avocado dip recipes are very healthy when made  using high quality, healthy ingredients. Therefore, pay attention to the following tips:

  • Use only  high quality oils, such as extra virgin olive oil. If you don’t have one on hand, you can replace this with sunflower oil or rapeseed oil.
  • Don’t use too much oil. The avocado already contains healthy fatty acids, so only very small amounts are required.
  • Don’t add too much salt, it has been linked to cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure.
  • Many commercial spices contain flour or other additives, so it’s best to use natural spices without preservatives that you grind yourself.

Do you fancy trying these delicious avocado dips? You will love it!

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