Gray Hair In Old Age – Aesthetics And Maturity

Gray hair in old age can be perceived differently: It can appear mature, attractive or unkempt.

Gray hair in old age - aesthetics and maturity

With increasing age, the hair loses coloring pigments and becomes white or silver-colored. Gray hair in old age  is a completely natural process that indicates maturity.

Then learn more about this topic.

Man aged gray hair

How does gray hair come about?

Gray hair occurs when the color pigment  melanin is no longer produced in sufficient quantities. 

The task of this pigment is to protect the skin and hair from harmful radiation. However, melanin is also responsible for the color of eyes, skin, and hair. 

This color pigment is produced by melanocytes in two different forms: eumelanin for browns and blacks and pheomelanin for yellows and reds.

These pigments, with their many variations and combinations, can produce an infinite number of different hues.

The absence of melanin makes gray hair visible with age.

Why gray hair appears with age

Why gray hair in old age

Many studies have found that the development of gray hair is genetic. The other deciding factor is age because it affects the cells as well.

  • Hair has a lifespan of 3 to 6 years. After that, they fail.
  • When the cells have aged and can no longer produce melanin, new, white hair is created.
  • If a gray hair falls out, then a gray hair will grow back too.

When gray hairs appear

As time goes by and your body gets older, melanocytes lower the production of melanin.

It starts with the hair on the head  and later spreads to the rest of the body. Of course there are also exceptions where genetics play a role, which can cause hair to turn gray very early on.


Statistics gray hair in old age

Let’s take a look at some statistics on gray hair:

  • Gray hair  appears earlier and more often in Caucasians. Asian and black people tend to turn gray in later years.
  • Men get more gray hair than women.
  • Gray hair occurs in groups and creates the illusion that if you pull one out, several will grow back, which, as already mentioned, is a mistake.

Do you get gray hair when you worry?

A 2011 study by the Duke University Medical Center found that stress can cause gray hair in mice.

Annika Vogt, the head of the research department of the Hair Competence Center of the Charité in Berlin, has also carried out scientific studies on this topic. This shows that the hair roots react to stress in a variety of ways. Not only can this lead to gray hair, but also hair loss. 

Gray hair in both men and women

While gray hair is currently a fashion trend, not everyone can come to terms with it. After all, it is a sign of aging and youth is very important in our culture. 

Nobody wants wrinkles, sagging skin, reading glasses or gray hair. There are also differences between men and women here:  a man with gray hair is often considered interesting, mature and attractive, but women are not so lucky.

A graying woman is sentenced on the basis of her appearance.  Many see this as negligence, because after all it could dye their hair. Again, men have a disadvantage here because society has less acceptance of dyeing their hair.

Most men who dye their hair do so in a hidden or discreet way.

Check out this article:

How to color your hair with natural extracts

Hair coloring gray hair in old age

Also discover this article: Strengthen your hair with these home remedies

Myths about gray hair

There are many myths that persist even when science has already confirmed the opposite. Here are some of them:

  • Gray hair does not fall out. Wrong:  gray hair also falls out like everyone else.
  • Gray hair is gray. Wrong:  It is an optical illusion. In reality, the hair is white or colorless. But together with even darker hair, the impression of gray or silver-colored hair is created.
  • Sun exposure leads to gray hair. Wrong:  The sun brightens hair and it can appear gray. However, the sun in no way causes gray hair.
  • Tearing out gray hairs will cause several to grow back. Wrong:  As already mentioned, only a single gray hair grows back in place of an old gray hair.

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