7 Home Recipes That Could Help Relieve Calluses

Calluses can be very uncomfortable. Wearing some shoes hurts, which creates a bad mood.

7 home recipes that might help relieve calluses

In today’s post, we recommend various tips for treating calluses – not just to show off beautiful feet, but also to avoid discomfort or pain.

Why don’t we give our feet the attention they deserve when they are so indispensable? As we z. B. caring for our face, we should also devote time to our feet to prevent discomfort or injury. 

Why do calluses appear on the feet?

Everyday life can put a lot of strain on our feet. High heels, inappropriate stockings and a lack of moisture, the dead skin is not removed, shoes that are too tight, standing for too long, etc. are decisive factors that can trigger problems.

Calluses or calluses form in different areas of the foot, but especially on the heels, on the sides of the toes, on the toes or on the soles of the feet. They are a little uncomfortable at first, but if left untreated or removed it gets worse.

Calluses can be very uncomfortable.  Wearing some shoes hurts, which creates a bad mood.

Even if you’ve never had calluses on your feet (lucky!), You should take preventative measures such as applying a moisturizer after a bath or shower.

Once a week it would be advisable to massage with olive oil, petroleum jelly or banana puree. Also, use comfortable shoes that don’t pinch or are too loose. With new shoes, you should then use plasters as a preventive measure before blisters or corns develop. 


When you get home, take off your shoes and stockings and prepare a foot bath with lukewarm water and soothing herbs, such as chamomile. So the feet are relieved and relaxed (with the herbal scent you will definitely feel better).

If you already have calluses, use a pumice stone. However, be careful when using it so as not to cause injury. It is recommended to use the pumice stone after every bath when the skin is soft.

A file is used for rough areas of skin on the heels, soles or toes. 3 minutes is enough, after which you can finish the treatment with moisturizer. Prefer comfortable shoes and watch out for new discomfort.

Home remedies for calluses

Sometimes the calluses are so deep and painful that a pumice stone is not recommended because the pressure on the affected area is too strong. So pay attention to the following house recipes:

Recipe 1


  • 1/2 onion


Halve the onion, then rub it gently on the affected area. Then repeat this every evening before bed, the  onion juice should penetrate the skin and work overnight.

Put on cotton stockings before going to bed. The onion has an anti-inflammatory effect and therefore alleviates the discomfort.


Recipe 2


  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 tbsp olive oil


Press the clove of garlic, then mix it with the olive oil. Apply the mixture to the callus, then bandage it with a plaster or cotton cloth.

Leave it on all night. Then remove everything the next morning without rinsing the skin. Repeat the treatment daily until the callus has disappeared.

Recipe 3


  • 1 handful of nettle stalks and flowers
  • 1 tbsp water


Mix all ingredients in a hand blender until a paste is formed. Then apply this directly to the calluses. Cover with a cotton cloth and then let it work for at least 3 hours.

Recipe 4


  • 1 handful of marigold petals and flowers
  • 1 tbsp water


The preparation is the same as for the nettles. Then apply the paste every night before bed.

Recipe 5


  • 1 fresh fig


This fruit has anti-inflammatory properties, has a refreshing effect and also relieves discomfort. Cut a fig in half, remove the pulp, and then apply it to the calluses before bed.

Cover with a cloth and then put on stockings so as not to stain the sheets. Let this home remedy work all night and then take a lukewarm foot bath in the morning.

Then the calluses are treated with pumice stone and finally a moisturizing cream is applied.

Recipe 6


  • 1 tbsp baking soda
  • 1 tbsp lukewarm water


Make a paste with baking soda and water. Then apply this in a circle to the calluses. Let it work for 20-30 minutes and then rinse off with lukewarm water. Then use a file or pumice stone. Don’t forget the moisturizer afterwards.

Recipe 7

Foot massage


  • 4 tbsp chamomile
  • 1 L boiling water


Prepare a brew with the chamomile and the water. Let it steep for a few minutes, then take a foot bath. Be careful with the hot water. The calluses become soft and can then be easily treated and removed with the pumice stone.

Even if we repeat ourselves, applying the moisturizer is part of every treatment.

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