Natural Remedies That Help With Liver Inflammation

If you have developed liver inflammation from excessive alcohol consumption, it is extremely important that you stop consuming alcohol immediately. This is the only way to prevent further – possibly life-threatening – complications.

Natural remedies that help with inflammation of the liver

Have you ever heard of natural remedies that can help with liver inflammation ? Read this article to learn more about it!

Our liver is in the right upper abdomen.  Their dark red color is similar to that of a red wine. The tasks of this vital organ include:

  • The regulation of chemicals in the blood.
  • The production of bile.
  • The processing of the blood.
  • The conversion of drugs to prevent poisoning of the body.
  • The formation of proteins for the plasma.
  • The preparation of bilirubin.
  • The regulation of fats.

And these are just the most important tasks.  It was discovered that the liver performs helpful tasks in more than 500 functions of the body.

Inflammation of the liver?

Inflammation of the liver, also called hepatomegaly, is an abnormal enlargement of the liver. Various things can be the cause:

  • Hepatitis. Hepatitis A and C are inflammation of the liver caused by viruses.
  • Alcoholic hepatitis. Excessive alcohol consumption can damage the cells of the liver.
  • Ingestion of toxins and chemicals as the cause of the inflammation.
  • Bacterial infections.
  • High fat diets. A poor diet can affect the growth of the liver.

Depending on the cause, different treatment methods and recommendations can be tried:

  • In the event of an infection caused by viruses or bacteria, it is essential to take medication.
  • If alcohol abuse is responsible for the liver inflammation, alcohol consumption must be stopped.

Natural remedies to help with inflammation of the liver

Tea for the liver

Milk thistle tea helps with inflammation of the liver

This tea contains ingredients that help the liver fight inflammation and support its function.


  • 1 tablespoon (10 ml) milk thistle
  • 40 drops of myrtle tincture
  • 1 cup (250 ml) water


  • Mix the three ingredients together, then divide them into several serving sizes. A quarter of a glass should be drunk four times a day.


This plant is particularly recommended for the treatment of liver inflammation. Dandelion is a natural cleanser that can help in lowering cholesterol. It also reduces the amount of fat in the liver.


Boldo is a medicinal plant that contains alkaloids. Its components support the functions of the gallbladder and help cleanse the liver.

Green tea

Green tea helps with inflammation of the liver

The antioxidants contained in green tea support the regeneration of liver cells. Furthermore, the epigallocatechin gallate contained in tea has a positive effect on the fight against fat accumulation in the liver.


An excellent natural detox agent that can counteract inflammation of the liver. Tamarind can be drunk as a tea.


The juice made from papaya seeds is a great cleanser for the liver. To do this, the seeds of the papaya are crushed and then filtered through a sieve.


Artichokes help with inflammation of the liver

Artichokes increase the secretion of bile, adding to the treatment for an inflamed liver. Artichokes also help remove toxins.

They can be baked, boiled or consumed as juice.


Lemons support digestion and they provide us with antioxidants. We can enjoy their ingredients by consuming lemons every day.


  • 1 cup (200 ml) water
  • Juice of one lemon
  • preparation


  • Add the lemon juice to a glass of room temperature water and drink the mixture on an empty stomach.

Tip: You can add a few drops of lemon juice to all teas. Because lemons are always a beneficial ingredient and a great natural remedy that helps with liver inflammation.


Pears help with inflammation of the liver

Since pears contain pectin, they aid digestion.  They also promote the secretion of gastric juice. In addition, pears are tasty and refreshing.


Grapefruit is a fruit that contains antioxidants that help detoxify the liver. You can enjoy the fruit neat, as a juice and also as a tea.


When processed and consumed in tea, sage contributes to the excretion of fatty acids.


Licorice  strengthens and protects the liver cells. Licorice also has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. In the case of liver inflammation caused by a virus, these properties have a positive effect on the treatment. You can take licorice as a tea.


  • 2 cups (500 ml) water
  • 2 tablespoons (20 g) liquorice
  • 1 handful of star anise
  • 1 tablespoon (10 g) of boldo leaves
  • Honey (on request)


  • First you boil half a liter of water. Then you add the 2 tablespoons of liquorice and the star anise.
  • Let it steep for 5 minutes.
  • Next, lower the temperature and add the boldo leaves.
  • Cover the pot and let it steep for 5 minutes.
  • For a better taste, you can sweeten the tea with honey.
  • You can take this tea after meals.

ginger tea

Ginger tea cleanses your liver of fats and toxins. Ginger tea is a highly recommended natural remedy, especially for fatty liver.

You should always note that natural remedies are a fantastic way to help with disease recovery.  However, they cannot replace medical treatment.

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