Ideas For Using Banana Peel

The banana peel is far too good to throw away immediately! We have ideas!

Ideas on how to use banana peel

At some point the banana peel also ends up  in the trash. Hopefully in the organic waste or on the compost, because there it is still useful even if you have already used it for many purposes!

Maybe you like one or the other idea how you can continue to use the  banana peel before the compost worms taste it …

Banana peel: organic, please!

If you continue to use the banana peel, please make sure that it comes from controlled organic cultivation!

You ate the residues from so-called “pesticides”, i.e. pesticides, fungicides and herbicides, with the fruit, but most of them are on the skin!

After the harvest, the interfaces in particular are treated with mold-inhibiting poisons so that the banana does not rot on the long way to us! All of these fabrics are still on the bowl when you pick it up.

To avoid these pollutants, the only option is to buy organic bananas!

Banana peel

Banana peel as fertilizer

Instead of throwing the banana peel in the organic waste, your balcony flowers use it as fertilizer!

Simply cut the bowl into small pieces with a knife or scissors and rake it under the potting soil in a box or bucket.

The shells rot very quickly in the earth, releasing mainly potassium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphate, sodium and silica to the soil. Other minerals and trace elements, such as lime, are also contained in banana peel.

However, it does not contain all of the nutrients that plants need. Banana peels cannot replace a full-fledged garden fertilizer, but they are a practical and completely free addition.

Here, too, it makes sense to use organic bananas, because after all, you don’t want to pamper your ornamental plants with pesticides, but with fertilizers!

Banana peel

Teeth whitening

The banana peel can help keep your teeth white and, if necessary, whiten them a little.

To do this, the teeth are regularly rubbed with the bright inside of the banana peel. We recommend letting the banana peel soak in and only gently removing it with a toothbrush after an exposure time of at least 10 minutes.

Please do not use conventionally grown bananas, otherwise you will rub pesticides in your mouth!

Polish leather up

No shoe polish to hand and the shoes need to be cleaned? No problem! Smooth leather shoes can be quickly brightened up with the banana peel left over at breakfast !

Soften the warts

In bananas and also in the white inside of the banana peel, enzymes are contained that ensure that the skin swells a little. A piece of banana peel tied to the wart with a band-aid can help eradicate the wart.

Pull splinters

The banana enzymes mentioned above can also help pull splinters of wood, for example, out of the skin. To do this, the banana peel has to act for some time on the skin in which the splinter is stuck. The skin softens and the splinter can be pulled out more easily.


Tenderize meat

The much-described enzymes also help tenderize meat. If you search the Internet, you will find some, mainly Southeast Asian and African recipes in which the meat is wrapped in banana peel before cooking.

So it stays juicy and becomes tender. The same applies here: please only use organic banana peel for cooking!


Magic away wrinkles

Instead of cucumber slices, banana peels also help to make the complexion fresh and radiant! Granted, cucumber slices look better, but banana peels are also beautiful!

The enzymes contained on the soft inside soften the upper layers of the skin a little and thus ensure that moisture is better stored there.

Small dryness wrinkles even disappear!


Against insect bites

Has an insect stung you and the sting burns or itches? Try the good home remedy banana peel!

The plasticizer enzyme in the shell helps to transport the toxins from the insect bite faster and thus supports healing and alleviates itching.

Animal feed

Not only do the birds on the windowsill like to peck at the sweet remains on the banana peel, other animals are also happy about banana peel.

It is used around the world to feed cattle, goats, pigs and poultry.

They are also often found in food for rabbits and in special food for aquarium fish and snails. Because of the pollutants on the peel of bananas that are not organically grown, you should only feed organically grown pods, especially for small animals.

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