The Story Of The Baby Who Swallowed A Button Cell

Button cells can be found in every household, in a multitude of small electrical devices. But batteries, especially the small button cells, have to be handled with care, because they pose a great danger to children

The story of the baby who swallowed a button cell

Every now and then we use our blog to draw attention to moving fates – and to use the lessons learned from them in such a way that terrible incidents are not repeated. We want to do that today too. With the story of the baby who swallowed a button cell.

It is estimated that around 4,000 babies and toddlers in the United States undergo emergency surgery every year after they swallow a button cell . It almost seems like there’s something in it that babies find truly irresistible.

In contrast to the classic cylinder-shaped battery, the button cell is small enough to be swallowed by a baby. Button cells are used in watches, in some remote controls, but above all in toys.

Child safety

Usually they are protected from children’s hands by some kind of cover. But anyone who lives with children knows that no barrier, no matter how sophisticated, is an insurmountable obstacle for the little ones.

And so it obviously happens all the time that the batteries get into the hands of children.

There are no dangers for children. The world is one big playground to be discovered. Any object , no matter how insignificant, can become an object of research for a child , and it uses all of its senses to conduct research.

Button cells are small, round batteries. They are smooth, shiny and you can even reflect yourself in them. Who knows what they taste like?

These and other interesting questions need to be answered. And faster than the parents can see, the battery in the mouth has disappeared.

This can have tragic consequences for the child. The acid contained in the battery leads to severe burns, which often affect the esophagus because the battery gets stuck here. The injuries can be severe enough to cause death to the child.

The parents of a little boy who swallowed the button cell in the remote control of the DVD player almost lost their beloved child as a result of such an accident.

The story of Emmett is a sad one, as the boy was irreparably damaged. But his parents still want to share it with the world in order to make other mothers and dads aware of the latent danger.

The history…


Karla and Michael began to worry when their youngest boy, Emmett, developed a fever for no apparent reason. They failed to bring the fever down and then took the boy to the emergency room to investigate.

The hospital was diagnosed with flu and the child was sent home with his parents. The boy’s condition deteriorated noticeably until one day he vomited blood.

That took her straight back to the emergency room, where the child was thoroughly examined. A chest x-ray revealed that there was a foreign body in the boy’s esophagus : a button cell.

X-ray image

With the diagnosis, the real nightmare began for the parents. Her feelings fluctuated between shame, guilt, and anger for not taking care of the child. But after a few minutes of reflection, it quickly became clear where the battery came from.

Both parents had watched Emmett play with the remote control on the DVD player. However, they were not aware of the danger this posed.

The treatment

The child was immediately taken to the operating room and the battery could be removed in one surgical procedure. However, the grave consequences of swallowing the button cell will stay with Emmett for a lifetime, even if treated appropriately.

Fortunately, the boy didn’t suffocate. However, he suffered severe esophageal injuries and was unable to eat solid foods for a while.

Emmett was and is a regular at the doctor’s: to date, he has endured over 60 surgical interventions and many other treatments.


His mother reported that the boy all his life with problems when Abschlucken and in digestion will have. His vocal cords are paralyzed and the risk of respiratory diseases is greatly increased.

Little Emmett and his parents struggle every day to improve their quality of life. They have also started spreading his story online to alert other parents to the dangers posed by the nondescript batteries.

If you want to know more about the fate of little Emmett (and understand English), you are cordially invited: Emmett’s Fight

The best medicine: adequate caution

All children are curious and that curiosity carries certain dangers. It is worst when the parents are not even aware of these dangers. Unfortunately, this is the case with button cells and many children are allowed to play with the corresponding devices.

The advice that adequate caution is the best medicine is of course not limited to swallowing batteries. And there are a few things we can do to keep our children from sharing the fate of Emmett.

Generally valid advice is:

  • Keep all electrical appliances, batteries, out of reach of children on.
  • Of course, this is even more true for loose batteries. They shouldn’t be lying around anywhere. Keep them in a place out of the reach of children until you use them as soon as possible or dispose of them properly.
  • Check the covers of the relevant devices, make sure they close securely. You can also secure them with adhesive tape.
  • Watch what your kids are playing with. When buying, make sure that the toy does not contain button cells.

Button cell swallowed: what to do in an emergency?

The symptoms that occur when a battery is swallowed are non-specific and also vary from child to child. Only a doctor can make a definitive diagnosis.

So if you suspect that your child has swallowed a button cell or a conventional battery , you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Don’t try to help your child with home remedies that will only make their condition worse!

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