What To Do When Your Hands Fall Asleep At Night?

Get a medical examination to find out the causes and to initiate appropriate treatment.

What to do if the hands fall asleep at night

We have all experienced that  the hands  or legs “fall asleep” after being in the same position for a long time. Tingling and numbness that show up are usually harmless.

But how does it come about that the hands fall asleep at night  ? And what can you do about it?

In most cases, an awkward position is responsible for  the hands falling asleep during the night. This leads to circulatory disorders. The tingling sensation alerts us to the need to change posture to prevent pressure on a specific area.

But there are other reasons that can cause your hands to fall asleep at night. Then you will learn more about it. 

Why do the hands fall asleep at night?

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome

The hand falling asleep at night is a typical symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome. This is accompanied by tingling and pain that feel like pinpricks. 

The syndrome develops insidiously, with the tingling sensation initially being felt especially in the thumb, index and middle fingers.

This happens when the  median nerve in the wrist area is compressed. This nerve is damaged by the narrowing of the carpal tunnel.

Pressure on wrists while working


In certain professions, the wrists are heavily strained throughout the day. This can be the case, for example, if you are constantly working on the computer or have to use different tools.

Over time, this can cause the hands to pain and sleep at night. In a resting position, the nerves relax and the pain often becomes particularly intense.

Water retention

the hands tingle

Obesity, lack of exercise or an unhealthy diet can lead to swelling of the hands or feet. Fluid accumulates in the tissue  and this can also lead to a tingling sensation, which increases at night. This is due to an increased blood flow.

Deficiency of B group vitamins

Vitamin B12

An unbalanced diet can also lead to the hands falling asleep at night. If there is a lack of B vitamins, various symptoms can appear:  insomnia, pale skin, palpitations or even hands or feet that are asleep.

Your best bet is to have yourself examined to see if this is the problem.

What to do if the hands fall asleep at night

  • A teaspoon of linseed oil before bed can be very helpful. Because studies show that this oil inhibits inflammation, especially in the extremities. This is due to the omega-3 contained in it. You can relieve the discomfort in this way.
  • A cold water bath can also reduce pain and inflammation. It’s best to treat yourself to a hand bath before going to bed.
  • Avoid salt and carbonated drinks as much as possible. Because this increases inflammation and also the pain sensation!
  • Drink enough water! It should be at least two liters a day. You can also prepare an artichoke infusion, which is particularly diuretic. Simply boil an artichoke in water and add a squeeze of lemon to it before serving.
  • Incorporate more foods with B vitamins into your diet. This includes tuna, potatoes, bananas and all green vegetables. Your doctor can also prescribe a dietary supplement if necessary.
  • If you have repetitive work to do that puts a lot of strain on your wrists,  you can use a bandage to protect the area. 

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