Symptoms Of Disturbed Blood Circulation

Good blood circulation is important in order to keep all body functions upright. But sometimes it is disturbed …

Symptoms of impaired blood circulation

Due to a disturbed blood circulation, some bodily functions are only possible to a limited extent. With circulatory disorders, not all areas of the body are properly supplied with oxygen and can therefore suffer.

Good blood circulation is important!

Our blood circulation is driven by our heart, which pumps blood to all areas of the body and thus ensures that oxygen-rich blood gets where it is needed.

The circulatory system also ensures that oxygen-poor blood is replenished with fresh oxygen through the lung function.

A disturbed blood circulation can also mean that something is wrong with the cardiovascular system. This can not only have consequences for the organs that are undersupplied with oxygen, it can even be life-threatening!

In particularly extreme cases, the blood flow to an area or organ comes to a complete standstill and the tissue dies.

Circulatory disorders are not always recognized as such, which is why you should look at the following signals in order to be prudent and to think of a disturbed blood flow.

If the symptom persists, you should definitely consult a doctor to prevent cells from dying off!

poor blood circulation from smoking

Causes of disturbed blood circulation

In the most harmless case, you have simply lied or sat wrong and the blood circulation quickly returns to normal through movement. If the condition remains permanent, the following could be behind it:

  • Vascular inflammation
  • arteriosclerosis
  • Blood fat levels too high
  • Too high a cholesterol level
  • Thrombi or embolism (blood clots)
  • diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Blood pressure too low
  • Heart defect or
  • Heart disease
  • “Smoker’s leg”

Note that most cases of circulatory disorders will go unnoticed. If the brain is not supplied with blood properly, a stroke can result. If the coronary blood vessels are poorly supplied with blood, a heart attack usually occurs.

Therefore, watch for the following symptoms:

Numbness and tingling sensation

We all know the feeling when an arm or leg “dies” at night due to incorrect positioning. It tingles like a thousand ants and feels numb.

Sometimes the muscles are so poorly supplied with blood that they even restrict movement. Most of the time, the situation can be resolved by simply turning around and possibly massaging.

However, if such a phenomenon occurs permanently and can only be remedied for a short time, you should immediately consult a doctor who will have to determine the cause.


Sometimes we feel “rusty” after we have sat cramped for a long time and the first steps or movements hurt.

If the inexplicable pain persists while running or climbing stairs for no reason, there could be a circulatory disorder in the legs. Remember that occlusion of the leg artery can lead to amputation of the leg!

poor blood circulation in the legs

Feeling cold

If feet or calves are permanently cold, this can not only be a result of too thin socks, but also an indication of impaired blood circulation in the legs. The same applies to cold hands or arms, which remain cold regardless of the weather and regardless of clothing.


Who does not know them, the “blue lips”, blue underlayed fingernails or even white toes?

Unusual discoloration of the skin or entire limbs always indicates an altered blood flow.

The less oxygen the blood transports, the darker it is and the darker the area with poor circulation appears.

When it is very cold, the blood vessels constrict, which can lead to circulatory disorders.

However, if the discoloration does not regress, you should visit a doctor and clarify what the cause is!


If muscle cramps occur at rest, they can also be caused by an altered, poorer blood circulation. Usually, muscles with poorer circulation begin to tense before they cramp.

Prevent circulatory disorders

It is actually quite easy to avoid circulatory disorders, you just have to do it regularly!

Exercise is the safest way to protect against poor blood circulation. It should also be clear that smoking is one of the most common causes of extreme circulatory disorders (keyword “smoker’s leg”). Those who don’t smoke have already won a lot!

In addition, a balanced, healthy diet rich in high-quality vegetable oils and omega 3 fatty acids is also a good prevention.

The leaner the body, the lower the blood lipid levels, the more exercise, the lower the risk of poor blood circulation!

As is so often the case: everyone has control over preventable health problems ! When do you change your lifestyle?

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