Varicose Veins: Herbal Remedies Can Prevent

Varicose veins should be prevented before they develop into unsightly structures.

Varicose veins: herbal remedies can prevent them

Varicose veins look ugly, especially in summer we get annoyed when they are discovered on our legs in shorts or skirts. There are herbal remedies that can promote blood circulation.

There are surgical ways to remove varicose veins, but prevent it from happening. We recommend herbal remedies today .

How do varicose veins develop?

Varicose veins are veins that expand due to weak vein walls or weak connective tissue. who

  • is a lot in the job,
  • moves little or
  • is overweight

has a greater risk of developing varicose veins. Almost half of all Germans over the age of 25 have varicose veins. The smallest variant is called differently: “spider veins”, but it is also nothing else.

There are preventive measures and natural remedies that you can use to improve blood flow to the legs and prevent varicose and spider veins.

Once large, winding varicose veins have formed, it is too late. If you want, you can surgically remove, obliterate or close it.

But it shouldn’t come to that, because there are herbal remedies that help prevent the development of varicose veins ! It is often a combination of home remedies and medicinal herbs that lead to success – try it out!

Cold showers are not for everyone, but they are easy on the legs. The cold water causes the vessels to contract and the stored water is transported away. Alternating showers keep the vessels elastic and are also useful.

varicose veins

Herbal remedies can help

Red vine leaves

Since the active ingredients are mainly located in the leaves, the healing power of red vine leaves is now used for varicose veins, heavy legs and weak veins in the form of tablets.

The vine leaves have an anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect. The preparation of a tea from red vine leaves is also possible. Gels, creams or sprays are available for external use.

However, only the use of the extract in the form of tablets has been proven in effectiveness studies.


Better known as a flavoring ingredient for maypots, the woodruff is also an ancient medicinal plant. It has a vascular strengthening effect in the case of weak veins and helps against edema.

Woodruff contains coumarin, which reduces blood clotting so that the blood flows better. It is used as a tea.

You collect the herb yourself or get it from the pharmacy. You can drink woodruff tea to strengthen the blood vessels, especially the veins. As a result, together with its liver and kidney strengthening properties, it also helps against swollen legs.

However, woodruff should not be overdosed, otherwise it can cause headaches.

Red clover

Sweet clover

It grows in many meadows, everyone knows it and yet only a few know what it is made of: the sweet clover has active ingredients in all of its above-ground components (i.e. stems, leaves and flowers) that can increase the flow rate in the venous and lymphatic system.

The dried herb is used to make sweet clover tea. The liquid or dry extract of the medicinal plant is then used to make tablets or capsules.

You can collect it yourself! Then dry the collected leaves upside down in a dark, dry place and use them to make a tea on a regular basis.

herbal home remedies for varicose veins

Butcher’s broom

Butcher’s broom grows around the Mediterranean, where it has long been known for its vascular protective properties. The effective components from the root increase the elasticity of the vessels and then repair damaged vessel walls.

This promotes blood circulation and helps prevent varicose veins. So if you suffer from heavy legs or other symptoms, you should ask the pharmacy about preparations that contain the active ingredients of butcher’s broom.

Of course, it doesn’t work straight away, butcher’s broom is often used as a preventative measure and the preparations are taken for several months.



The horse chestnut (please do not confuse it with the sweet chestnut!) Has a double positive effect in preventing varicose veins.

The active ingredient contained in their seeds can reduce the activity of certain enzymes, which is increased in venous diseases and leads to damage to the vascular walls.

This vascular sealing effect makes the blood vessels less vulnerable and permeable. It also increases the elasticity of the veins, which is necessary for the blood to flow back from the legs into the heart.

The healing properties of the horse chestnut can also be used as an ointment, but it has only been medically proven that it helps if you use it internally : in the drugstore or in the pharmacy there are tablets that contain the active ingredient of the horse chestnut in concentrated form.

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