Diet To Prevent Strokes And Heart Attacks

Those who pay attention to a healthy diet and lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of suffering from a heart attack or stroke and at the same time prevent other diseases. 

Change of diet to prevent strokes and heart attacks

A recent study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition  confirmed that diet changes can reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke by a third.

Even if a third sounds very little, this should be taken into account as it is a variable that can be easily controlled.

Those who pay attention to a healthy diet and lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of suffering from a heart attack or stroke and at the same time prevent other diseases. 

Change of diet to prevent heart attacks and strokes

Even if genetic factors play a role in many diseases, the risk can be significantly reduced through an adequate diet.

Heart attacks and strokes are common causes of death, although it should be noted that these diseases have increased in recent years, particularly in women.

The risk of suffering from a stroke not only increases with age, bad eating habits, stress and lack of exercise are also responsible.

The study mentioned also shows that most of them do not start looking after their health until they are 50 years old.

After all, from this age on there are more heart problems, high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. It is therefore important to take appropriate measures earlier to prevent these health problems.

Even small changes in lifestyle, such as a change in diet , can help to maintain health and prevent serious illnesses, even as people get older.

We therefore recommend that you observe the following nutrition tips:

1. Diet change: Reduce the consumption of salt and unhealthy fats

Fast food

Most of us have made a habit of consuming very salty and fatty foods.  Not only in the USA, but also in Europe we have got used to unhealthy eating habits as well as hectic and stressful everyday life.

The finished products from the supermarket are quick and easy to prepare and also fill you up well. Red meat, fried foods and other high-calorie dishes are very common on the menu, but in the long term they can cause serious illnesses.

We therefore recommend that you change various eating habits today and avoid salt and bad fats as much as possible .

2. Red vegetables


There are numerous vegetables that are useful in preventing heart attacks or strokes. For example, tomatoes should definitely not be missing from your diet.

Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is recommended as a precaution against various diseases. This can also reduce the risk of thrombosis.

If you love tomato sauce, you’ll be happy to find out that it contains an especially high amount of lycopene – even more than in raw tomatoes, as this pigment unfolds during cooking.

3. Whole grains

Linseed bread

Use whole grains instead of refined products to help prevent a heart attack or stroke. Replace white bread with rye or wholegrain oat bread and do without refined rice and pasta products.

In this way you can improve your cholesterol and blood sugar levels and at the same time curb your appetite.

4. Strawberries and apples

Strawberry shake

How about an apple for breakfast? Or a tasty salad of spinach, strawberries and walnuts for lunch? Apples are rich in plant compounds that help prevent heart disease and lower LDL cholesterol.

Strawberries are rich in  potassium, vitamin C, and other plant compounds. So it’s perfect for preventing a stroke. It is therefore advisable to enjoy this delicious fruit every day (at least 6 pieces per day). However, do not use sugar to sweeten the strawberries!

5. cinnamon


15 g of cinnamon a day help prevent heart attacks and strokes, because cinnamon:

  • reduces blood sugar levels,
  • LDL cholesterol and triglycerin levels decreased
  • prevents thrombus formation,
  • Hypertension decreased and
  • can help in weight loss.

6. Blue fish

Blue fish (at least twice a week) helps to reduce the risk of a heart attack and stroke. This fatty cold water fish is rich in proteins and omega-3 fatty acids, which have a preventive effect against thrombosis.

That is why blue fish should not be missing from your eating plan.

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