Can You Avoid Tumors?

Physical exercise, a positive attitude, a healthy diet and regular check-ups are crucial. In 90% of cases, this disease can be cured if an early diagnosis is made.

Can you avoid tumors?

An overwhelming number of studies have shown that at least four in ten tumors can be prevented through a healthy diet, healthy habits, and regular exercise.

Health check-ups are also very important. If the doctor in charge recommends that you have preventive examinations every six months or more, you should definitely do them.

40% of tumors can be avoided through a healthy lifestyle. 90% of tumors can be cured if they are recognized and treated in good time.

For this reason, it is very important to have routine examinations on a regular basis, as this allows anomalies to be found quickly and any tumor to be treated in good time.

What some people think about tumors …

Some people mistakenly think that there is nothing they can do to prevent cancer. They think that cancer is inherited and that environmental factors can also lead to the occurrence of the disease.

However, these are precisely the beliefs that make people more susceptible to these diseases. They leave themselves to their fate.

What these people do not know, however, is that cancer is often triggered by wrong lifestyle habits, says Andreas Ulrich, member of the WHO Cancer Control Society in Switzerland.

Change your lifestyle!

It is important to make adequate changes in your life. We recommend:

  • stop smoking
  • not to be where there is a lot of smoking,
  • a healthy diet,
  • a reasonable weight,
  • to exercise regularly,
  • not going into the sun without sun protection.

People who consume a lot of alcohol are also at a higher risk of developing cancer. In a Canadian study it was shown that drinking alcohol over a long period of time can lead to a higher risk of cancer.

In addition, the risk of developing breast cancer increases by three percent for every 10 g of alcohol consumed.

Another factor that can increase the risk of cancer after menopause is being overweight. A person’s BMI shouldn’t be higher than 28.5.

Recently, all experts agree on the importance of developing healthy eating habits and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. Whole grain products should also not be missing in the daily diet.

Red meat, on the other hand, should be avoided and the consumption of salt should also be reduced. Fish, on the other hand, is healthy, as are olive oil and especially spices such as turmeric, rosemary, garlic and onion.


There are many types of viruses and strains of bacteria that can make the body more susceptible to certain types of cancer.

This is especially true in the case of the human papilloma virus, which can cause cervical cancer, or in the case of the Helicobacter pylori bacterial strain, which can increase the risk of stomach cancer.

Do not forget…

… it is important to undergo medical check-ups recommended by your doctor. In this way, a diagnosis can be made quickly and, if necessary, treatment can be initiated.

What is also important, however, is to keep a positive attitude towards life. Don’t let your problems steal your smile and keep your good mood.

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