Fit Despite The Corona Crisis: Exercises To Do At Home

Many of us are now forced to stay at home. But even in a small space there are many ways to do sports and keep fit.

Fit despite the corona crisis: exercises for at home

The global corona crisis is forcing drastic measures to prevent the disease from spreading further. Sports events only take place behind closed doors and fitness centers are closed. But you can work out at home to stay fit!

Even if you are not allowed to leave your four walls,  you have to take care of your health. This not only includes a balanced diet, but also exercise. There are many tools and ways to keep fit and challenge your body at home.

Apps for the smartphone or videos on YouTube can help you with this. Your figure will be grateful to you for that too. There are innumerable exercises for which you do not need any equipment or other aids. Today we have a few tips for you. What are you waiting for?

Staying fit despite the corona crisis is only one thing about attitude

It is true that a professional fitness trainer is very helpful in keeping the body in shape. But in the current corona crisis you shouldn’t have any excuses just because you can’t go to the fitness center. Because even at home you can use the time and do your workout every day.

The most important thing is the right attitude and sufficient willpower. We need to be aware of the importance of exercising not only to stay in shape, but also to maintain our health. Make exercise a daily routine, even when you’re at home. There are no excuses!

What do you need to start

First, you need to create a schedule to be able to complete all of your home chores and commitments. The better you organize, the more time you will find for fun activities. As soon as you know how much time you have available and when, you can  start training. It can take 15 minutes or 1 hour, depending on your time and stamina.

As already mentioned, you don’t need any equipment or specific tools. There are many exercises that only require your own physical strength. Find a suitable place where you can do the exercises comfortably.

So, let’s go!

Train at home and stay fit despite the corona crisis!

Exercise helps us to improve our  physical and mental well-being. According to a study published in the journal Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine , there is a link between physical activity and a better quality of life. Exercise is also important in preventing chronic diseases from around the age of 40.

The daily workout can, among other things, help us to stay fit and vital and to alleviate the effects of stress and anxiety. It is precisely these negative feelings that are part of everyday life in the current Corona crisis. But you can train at home to benefit from all the advantages!

1.  Squats on the wall

Fit despite the corona crisis: exercises for at home
Squats, or squats, are perfect for strengthening the muscles of the legs.

An article published in the medical journal The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research suggests that squats, or squats  , help strengthen leg muscles and also improve the ability to move the knee joint medially or laterally.

  • Today we suggest you do squats on the wall. Support your back straight against the wall.
  • Then bring your body down until you reach a 90-degree angle between your torso and thighs. Remain in this position for 15 seconds. Over time, you can improve and stay in this position for between 30 and 60 seconds. Perform a total of four series.

    2. Pushups to keep fit

    Bend your hands to keep fit
    It is also important to exercise the upper body. Classic push-ups will help you!

    Push-ups are often used to train  the upper body. At the same time, you will also strengthen your arms. That’s why we recommend adding this classic exercise to your workout to train your whole body.

    There are many different ways to do the push-ups. Beginners should start gently and gradually increase.

    • You put your knees and hands on the floor and then bend your arms until your chest is just above the floor. Then you lift your body again and do 10 to 12 repetitions. Practice a total of 4 series!
    • If you have sufficient resistance, all you can do is prop up on tiptoe, flex your body, and do the push-ups that way.

    3. Fit by doing pushups with your knees to your chest

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    There are many different variations of the classic push-ups. In this case, we simultaneously bring the knees to the chest.

    The evidence available to us suggests that pushups are a very complete exercise for exercising muscles and building resilience. They are usually recommended for exercising the abdominal muscles, but they also help to stabilize the spine and strengthen  arms and legs.

    The classic push-ups, also known as plank, are performed by resting the tips of your toes and hands on the floor while keeping your back and abdominal muscles tensed. Starting from this position, in this variant you bring one knee to your chest, then go back to the starting position and bring the other knee to your chest.

    Repeat the exercise 15 times and do 4 series.

    4. Strengthen the glutes: leg raises while standing on four feet

    staying fit at home
    When performing this exercise, you tense your glutes and alternately lift one leg at a time.

    There are numerous exercises for strengthening the glutes. Today we recommend the following: Get into the quadruped position and then straighten one leg up, with the extended leg forming a right angle to the other leg. Then you go back to the starting position.

    Repeat the exercise 15 times with each leg for  a total of 4 series.

    5. Stay fit with burpees or push-ups

    Stay fit with burpees

    This exercise requires a little more resistance. You should therefore start gently and gradually increase the intensity.

    Burpees or push-up jumps are ideal for full-body training at home. You don’t need any tools, but perseverance. If you don’t move often, you should therefore only do a few repetitions at the beginning. Gradually you can then increase and practice up to 20 repetitions.

    • You start the exercise standing, but then move into the classic push-up position, then jump back to the starting position and stretch your arms upwards.
    • Perform a total of 4 series.

    What else can I do to keep myself fit without leaving home?

    There are many other exercises you can do to keep yourself fit. We also recommend that you dance because you move your whole body and have a lot of fun. In addition, yoga or Pilates are excellent options because they also provide inner balance and calm.

    Finally, we would like to remind you that  a healthy diet is also essential, which should contain all the essential nutrients your body needs. You can keep your figure and health. Do not forget that!

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