Early Detection Of ADHD In Children

Children with attention disorder (ADHD) often have learning difficulties and can concentrate poorly. Therefore, both their school environment and their personal relationships are affected by this problem.

Detecting ADHD in children early

ADHD in children is one of the diseases that parents most worry about. Because it is extremely complex. It is therefore difficult to identify them early and to be able to make a correct diagnosis.

A child with ADHD (attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder) has difficulty concentrating or sitting still. It can also exhibit impulsive behaviors. And it struggles with building personal relationships. This applies to the school and family environment as well as in general.

Usually this behavior disorder is diagnosed by the age of 7. But many of the symptoms show up earlier.

The problem with this, however, is that it is more difficult to spot these signs in children between the ages of 4 and 6. Because they cannot be distinguished from the normal and typical behavior of small children.

Still, it is important that you educate yourself about ADHD and its symptoms. Because if you actually recognize the first signs, you can start treatment early.

Below we give you an overview of the main causes of ADHD. And we will also explain to you how you can recognize this disorder at an early stage based on certain symptoms.

Causes of ADHD in Children

ADHD in children

One is not entirely sure what exactly is causing ADHD in children. But it is believed that genetic, neurological and ecological factors play a role.

More precisely, possible causes include the following:

  • There were already cases of ADHD or mental illness in the family history.
  • The level of certain biochemical messenger substances in the brain such as dopamine and norepinephrine cannot be properly regulated either.
  • Another factor is cigarette and alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
  • Food additives such as artificial colors can also increase hyperactivity.
  • Brain damage or injury.

There are also those who believe that the consumption of refined sugar is a possible cause of the disorder. However , so far there is not enough scientific evidence to confirm this hypothesis.

Symptoms for determining ADHD in children

The signs of ADHD in children are diverse and tend to change as they develop. And the disease can extend into puberty and even adulthood.

Also, the appearance of one or more symptoms is by no means a guarantee that this is exactly the disease.

Therefore, the child should be taken to an expert in the field at the first sign. Only doctors who specialize in child neurology or child psychiatry can actually assess the situation.

Even then, the tests can take several months to reach a definitive diagnosis. And they also include discussions with parents and teachers.

ADHD - child does not want to do homework

Attention Deficit Symptoms:

  • The child has a hard time concentrating and listening.
  • It also has difficulty following instructions.
  • It’s messy.
  • The child often loses important things.
  • And it forgets important parts of its homework.
  • In addition, it cannot focus on a single task or game.
  • It also generally has problems understanding certain things and expressions.
  • The child does not want to engage in mentally demanding activities.
  • It gets bored easily if it has to do an activity for a long time. And often it simply breaks it off before it is completed.
  • It makes mistakes that are clearly due to its lack of attention.

Symptoms of hyperactivity:

  • The child is constantly on the move. And it plays with everything that’s around. And that also in situations that actually require his attention.
  • It talks a lot.
  • He also finds it difficult to participate in quieter activities.
  • It runs back and forth or climbs around in all possible and impossible places.
  • In addition, it becomes restless if it is in the same place for a long time.
  • The child may have exaggerated reactions.

Symptoms of impulsivity:

  • The child has no patience.
  • It is difficult to wait for its turn. Or to stand in a queue.
  • And it acts and speaks without thinking.
  • It also often crosses the street without looking.
  • It often interrupts others.
  • It also interferes with other people’s games or conversations.
  • It is always looking for quick solutions to problems.

Diagnosing and treating ADHD in children

Mother and disobedient child

For a correct diagnosis of attention disorder in children, a certain process must be followed that takes months.

The psychotherapists or paediatricians who specialize in ADHD take the criteria of the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders” (DSM-5) as a basis.

Adequate time is needed to get to know the child and analyze his or her relationship with the environment. It is also extremely important to get to know the family and the people around the child.

If the suspicion of ADHD is actually confirmed, treatment tailored to the specific case begins.

In some cases, medication is prescribed. But behavior therapy is almost always recommended as the first step. Also, it can sometimes happen that a combination of both is considered necessary.

It is difficult to say how long the treatment will take. Because that depends entirely on the development of the individual patient.

In a nutshell…

ADHD affects the ability to concentrate in children. It can also lead to hyperactivity and impulsiveness. And although the disease sometimes manifests itself at a very young age, a diagnosis is only possible from a certain age.

Namely, if you can assume that the child is already able to control many of his behavior.

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