How Can You Remove Fleas And Ticks Naturally?

In order not to irritate your pet’s skin when removing the tick, you can apply chamomile tea to the affected area with a little cotton wool.

How can you remove fleas and ticks naturally?

Dogs or cats can bring unwanted vermin with them, which can cause diseases – both in animals and in mistress or masters. In this post you will find various home remedies for fleas  and ticks.

How can you remove ticks?

If your pet has a tick, there are several ways to get rid of this blood-sucking parasite. They are often found behind the ears, on the anus, in the neck or anywhere where they are well covered by hair and the animal itself cannot get to it.

The pet should be checked after each time outside, especially if the animal scratches itself or tries to get into the aforementioned areas.

Make a mixture of 2 parts alcohol (antiseptic) and 1 part oil. Moisten a cloth with it and rub it several times over the affected area until the tick falls off.

Cat caresses dog

A very effective remedy is chamomile tea. Apply the tea to the affected area with a little cotton wool. The parasites will go away. Then disinfect everything well so that no trace of the vermin remains.

Ticks don’t like citrus fruits

A good tick repellent can be made with citrus fruits (especially orange and lemon but also tangerine or grapefruit).

Bring half a liter of water to the boil and add two sliced ​​citrus fruits. As soon as the water boils, wait a minute and then turn the stove to the lowest setting.

Now the liquid has to simmer for an hour (be careful not to let all the water evaporate). Then let it cool down and fill into a spray can.

This agent can be sprayed onto the pet’s blanket, for example . Please be careful not to get the citrus water in your eyes. This can also be used to disinfect the house.

Apple cider vinegar is also an excellent remedy for ticks. Mix the apple cider vinegar with water in equal parts and then apply it to the affected area with a cloth or cotton wool.

This can be done as the last rinse after bathing, for example .

Dog and cat are best friends

If the ticks have left wounds or injuries, these can be treated with marigold ointment (wound healing), aloe vera gel (moisturizing) and lavender oil (protective).

How can you  remove fleas ?

These parasites can infect not only animals but also humans and transmit diseases (in the worst case, the effects on animals can be fatal).

To remove the fleas, you can prepare a mint tea and, as soon as it is cold, pour it into a spray can. Spray on the animal’s hair and do not rinse.

As a precaution, you can add small amounts of yeast or garlic to the food. Fleas don’t like this smell.

Essential oils

Make a mixture of the following ingredients: 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon vodka, 2 drops each of lavender essential oil, eucalyptus oil and, if desired, opobalsam, add one drop each of cedar oil, geranium oil, rosemary oil, mayoran oil and two drops of lemon juice as well as a cup of dried peppermint.

Scald all the ingredients with 3 cups of hot water. Let cool, sieve and then pour into a spray can. With this liquid you can spray the fur of the dog or cat, but also furniture, the floor or the walls.

Mix two cups of hot water, 1/4 cup of alcohol, and six drops of washing-up liquid. Wash the dog or cat well with this shampoo, then rinse off with water.

Cat sleeps on laptop

You can also get rid of fleas (and ticks) by sprinkling salt on carpets, floors, and the animal’s resting place. This is how the vermin dries out.

To speed up the process, you can also set up containers with water and 1o drops of washing- up liquid. The vermin can no longer escape this water.

To avoid poisoning the pets, it is best to set up the bowls when you are walking or driving the dog.

The final recommendation is a healthy diet for the pet to strengthen the immune system and thus prevent the blood-sucking parasites from causing illness or anemia, weakness, fatigue, etc.

Do not forget to eat foods with selenium, zinc and B vitamins.

Cat and baby

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