7 Reasons Why You Should Eat Papaya Kernels

Not everyone likes the taste, but papaya kernels are very healthy!

7 reasons why you should eat papaya seeds

The papaya is originally from Mexico, but is grown in many countries. Not only does it taste delicious, it is also very healthy. However, you should not only eat the pulp, but also the papaya seeds. Today we explain why.

It’s amazing how many healthy nutrients these small seeds, which usually end up in the trash, contain! Find out more about this topic today. 

Why you should eat papaya seeds

1. Good for digestion

Eating papaya seeds is good for your digestion

Papaya seeds are high in digestive enzymes that help the body digest food. They also have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

They also regulate the acid level in the stomach. To benefit from the positive effects, you only have to eat seven papaya seeds seven times a day. You can chew them or drink them crushed with water.

2. Acts naturally against parasites

The papaya seeds are not only excellent for digestion, they also contain enzymes that work against parasites. They also stand out for their high content of an alkaloid called carpain, which is effective against intestinal parasites.

How does this work?

  • When removing the seeds from the fruit, it is best to place them in the sun to dry.
  • Then grind to make a fine powder.
  • Ideally, you should consume them two to three times a day. You can also consume them with water, juice, or honey.

    Exercise caution with children. Nutritionists often recommend 1 core every 5 years. A young person is therefore not allowed to eat more than three seeds at a time.

    3. Protects the kidneys

    Eating papaya seeds protects the kidneys

    These small black nuclei prevent kidney failure. They can also be used as a supplement if you already suffer from kidney disease.

    How does this work?

    • You can eat seven seeds seven times a day. You can also add them to water or juice and drink them if you don’t like the taste.

    4. Cleansing the liver

    The liver is known to be responsible for removing toxins from the body. Papaya seeds support the liver in this function and can thus help in the prevention of certain diseases.

    How does this work?

    • In this case, you can simply take five ground papaya seeds with fruit juice or a spoonful of lemon juice every day for a month.
    • You can also use it to improve the complexion,  as toxins are filtered out through the liver and then excreted.

    5. Burning fat

    Eat papaya seeds to burn fat

    You can also lose weight more easily with this home remedy! The papaya prevents the excessive accumulation of fat and sugar. 

    6. Cancer prevention

    The kernels of papaya also contain acetogenin, an active ingredient that is thought to inhibit cancer. Papaya seeds are therefore used as natural remedies in many parts of the world.

    7. Works against acne

     Eat papaya seeds and fight acne

    If you have acne, not only should you eat papaya seeds, you should also use it to make a mask.

    • Use papaya leaves and seeds, grind them in a mortar and mix them with a little water.
    • Then apply this mask to the affected areas and let it work for 10 minutes.
    • Then rinse with plenty of water.

    The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects are excellent against acne.

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