Talking To Yourself Doesn’t Mean Being Crazy!

People who think aloud are more successful when it comes to thinking about family concepts. In addition, they can concentrate better.

Talking to yourself doesn't mean being crazy!

Have you caught yourself doing it too? Talking to yourself  is a healthy habit that by no means means you are crazy!

“After work, I go to the gym, I have to hurry so that I have enough time. In the evening I have to be home early enough to prepare dinner. Tomorrow I have to go shopping or, even better, I’ll call to have the order brought home … ”

Are you talking to yourself out loud while having a coffee? Your work colleague looks at you as if you are crazy because he finds you engaged in animated self-talk?

Does he smile at you strangely without saying anything or make a joking comment?

Many laugh when they see others talking to themselves . They believe this is a strange habit or even a mental disorder.

Yet many  geniuses speak out loud to themselves! It’s just a prejudice to think that that’s why you’re crazy … on the contrary:  talking to yourself is a brilliant thing! 

Sometimes when you speak your thoughts out loud to yourself you will know how helpful this can be in making decisions.

But why? Isn’t it enough to think about things in silence? Why is it good to hear your own reflections too?

This is exactly where the key lies:  hearing yourself have several advantages! 

Talking to yourself means hearing your inner voice

When you have worries and let them go through your head, sometimes something strange happens:  Your thoughts suddenly revolve around the good advice from your family or friends.

Everyone gives their opinion on the topic, everyone wants to help you with tips and good words, but you yourself feel as if you are going crazy because you can no longer concentrate on your own thoughts.

worried woman can talk to herself to find solutions

What would you most like to do in a difficult situation to resolve it? People who talk to themselves find faster and better solutions in these moments. 

Others can give good tips, but basically only you can solve your problems on your own.
If you think about it out loud to yourself and become aware of your feelings , new ideas can arise that lead to your individual solution that is best for you.
Thinking out loud will help you  know what you actually want and find a way to better express it. 
This also makes you more self-confident and allows you to better defend your ideas against others and act decisively to implement them.
It also  trains your imagination! Creative people very often report that their works are created through an internal and external dialogue.
  • If you speak to yourself out loud to me, this dialogue is far more efficient because the voice gives it more power.
  • You start with a question or statement, which you then explain in more detail in order to find answers and solutions.
  • That way everyone gets different results.

A psychological study confirms the benefits of talking loudly to yourself

The experts Gary Lupyan and Daniel Swingley addressed this  question in a study with 20 people and discovered astonishing things 

The experiment was carried out in a supermarket. Participants were asked to find an apple and bread.

Talk to yourself
  • It found that those who  spoke both words out loud were more successful.
  • However, this is only the case if the situations are known.
  • When things are spoken out loud  , a sensory mechanism is activated,  promoting memory. This enables the brain to relate different concepts to one another more quickly.
  • It is also an excellent tool  for improving concentration. If you think out loud and hear yourself, you can “switch off” annoying environmental stimuli and concentrate better on what is important.

Talking to yourself can therefore be the key to success! However, do not forget that we always start from known things in order to find the best solution among them.

This can be expressed in a conventional or a surprisingly new answer. If you speak your thoughts out loud, you will know the exact path that led you to make certain decisions.

People who speak loudly to themselves therefore show no weakness!

They  explore the situation from inside and outside,  concentrate and go through a process of becoming aware, in order to finally become clear what they are capable of.

Your conclusions are therefore strong and solid, they arise from your own wishes and ideas, not from the expectations of those around you.

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