Hunger – How Can I Stop My Hunger?

A distinction must be made between hunger and cravings. The latter can also come about due to emotional problems. You can use alternative therapies to help resolve these.

Hunger - How Can I Stop My Cravings?

There are days, weeks or phases when you suddenly have a great appetite for no apparent reason and it is more difficult than usual to satisfy the feeling of hunger.

If you are also overweight, this excessive feeling of hunger can cause anxiety.

There are natural remedies that can help control hunger. But it is also important to find the cause of hunger, as the body often tries to draw attention to missing nutrients.

How do I stop my hunger pangs?

First of all, you have to be aware of whether you are really hungry or just appetite, as the latter can be traced back to emotional causes.

If this is the case, we recommend taking Bach flowers, which help to become more emotionally stable and take away the need to eat constantly:

  • Ormennig : Helps when you have a problem that you cannot express
  • Waldtrespe : Eating out of dissatisfaction
  • Heather : When you eat a lot, out of cravings or loneliness
  • Cherry plum : when you eat uncontrollably

Trace elements are also very useful as these chemical substances occur in small amounts in the organism and affect the metabolism. Zinc, nickel and cobalt are recommended against excessive hunger .

Not hungry

If you have a hard time feeling full, a mixture of ground flaxseed, wheat bran, and psyllium can be made.

Take 1-2 large spoons of the mixture with a glass of water 10-15 minutes before each meal. This mixture also helps relieve constipation.

In some cases, especially when the body craves sweets, there may be an imbalance in the body’s glucose balance.

If this is the case, it is advisable to consume a lot of whole grain products, eat several small meals a day, drink plenty of water and drink cinnamon tea with stevia regularly. The trace element chromium can also help us.

If, on the other hand, the body craves salty food, this has to do with symptoms of fatigue and an imbalance in the salt balance. If this is the case, it is advisable to do sports, drink plenty of water and take sodium chlorate (Schüsslersalze).

The homeopathy can also help, especially because it brings no side-effects:

  • Anacardium orientale : To satisfy cravings
  • Thuya : Against uncontrolled eating. Also helps against cellulite and fluid retention
  • Antimonium crudum : Associates eating with affects, lovesickness and uncontrolledness
  • Staphysaria : When you eat to endure pain. If you eat in an unregulated manner, you lose track of the quantity and quality of the food.


One must always keep in mind that the hypothalamus (an area of ​​the brain) regulates appetite, which is why we can also benefit from therapies such as acupuncture, which focus on the various organs that play a role in increasing appetite.


It is always advisable to visit a naturopath who will make an individual diagnosis and suggest treatment, as the aforementioned remedies may not harmonize with other medications or disorders.

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