Toxic Family Members, How Do I Protect Myself?

The relationship with our family cannot simply be broken off. If you don’t want to be manipulated, draw lines and defend yourself. Show who you are and what you expect. That is why you are not selfish, but honest.

Toxic family members, how do I protect myself?

There is one in every family. People who only think of themselves, manipulate others and play with their feelings. A very complicated situation because the family connects. Today the question arises, how can you protect yourself when toxic family members make life difficult for us?

Toxic family members make life difficult for us

Experts agree: Toxic family members can affect life very much. When a friend is manipulating a relationship, acting selfishly, and selfishly, then the friendship can simply be ended in order to find calm, balance, and protection.

But what can you do when there is a family member who  makes life difficult for us?

The relationship with siblings or parents cannot simply be ended, it is complicated and hard, as all kinds of emotions and feelings are involved.

The family bond cannot simply be broken,  even if it is sometimes necessary for health reasons in order to prevent an emotional imbalance.

Examples are parents who do not allow their children to choose their life partner themselves or who reject friends. Everyone has the right to be wrong,  this is by no means a reason for bans or punishments.

Even siblings who are constantly blaming or controlling you can be very difficult.

But what can you do about toxic family members?

1. Draw clear lines, you know what you want and what you don’t

 Toxic family members

Another example: You go to your in-laws to eat, but unfortunately there is a spicy dish that you do not like. Nevertheless, you eat this so as not to offend anyone. But now you always get spicy foods that you don’t. Why didn’t you mention your preferences from the start ?

If you can’t accept something, share it with others too.

If you don’t want advice about raising your children, say so. If you don’t want to be manipulated, draw lines without hurting anyone. You can achieve a lot with respect; after all, it is not about selfishness, but about sincerity.

2. Be confident but not condescending

Toxic family members, give them your opinion.

In order not to hurt anyone, there are many things that one does not speak openly about.

Parents and grandparents may complain that they are often alone even when you are doing everything in your power for them. Do your siblings think they are getting too little support from you?

Be respectful and honest:  “I always come when I can and you know that you can count on me.” “I always support you, but don’t make myself do things that I can’t do. My situation is not the best either, try to understand me. “

Always be honest and don’t distance yourself. However, express your feelings and needs and explain what you are ready for and what not. Let others know that you also have needs that should be respected.

3. Support your family without losing your dignity


The family comes first.  Almost everyone is aware of this. But in some cases it can also be fatal and mark existence negatively.

Unfortunately, many are mistreated within the family, in which case a normal relationship is of course impossible.

Maintain your self-esteem, try to achieve inner balance and maturity, and find your own happiness. If someone in the family has hurt you, you can distance yourself or break off the relationship to protect your dignity and self-esteem.

Everyone knows that family relationships are not always easy. Nevertheless, one should try that these run harmoniously. If family members are just selfish or constantly manipulating you, point this out to them and distance them so they can learn to respect you.

The family is very important, it marks our identity and existence. But if it’s just causing you pain, it’s time to step back. Take care of yourself so that your self-esteem is not lost. Show what you can tolerate and what goes too far. Love your family, but don’t forget yourself.

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