How To Fight Termites In The House

Termites multiply very quickly and are then difficult to remove, so you have to react quickly!

How to fight termites in the house

There are few plagues as destructive to a home as termites. These insects eat wood and are able to destroy not only furniture but the structure of your house as well. In today’s article, we’ll tell you what you can do about it.

How can you tell if there are termites in your home? You will see yellowish stains on the wood, as if it were sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Sometimes you can also see small holes in the wood. These are two clear signs that you have unwelcome guests in your home.

These bugs  like certain types of wood more than others. If you have cedar or tropical hardwood like guanacaste, you are pretty much safe from termites. They don’t like these types of wood that much. But they love the following types of wood:

  • jaw
  • cypress
  • kapok
  • Balsa
  • alder

What can you do against termites?

How can you fight termites before it’s too late? Below are some recommendations and methods to get rid of the bugs.

Fight termites

1. Oranges and camphor

You can easily put a bowl of  orange peel and camphor in the drawer of your dresser. Camphor is a whitish substance that looks like salt and can be used as an insecticide, among other things. However, be careful not to let this substance come into contact with your clothing, as it may stain it.

2. Boric acid as an insecticide

You can find boric acid in the grocery store or garden store. Note: It is not the same as medicinal boric acid sold in pharmacies.

  • Mix one teaspoon of boric acid with one tablespoon of sugar and one tablespoon of powdered milk.
  • Use it to fill some bottle caps and place them in the affected areas.
  • But do not place them in places that children or pets have access to; it can be poisonous.
  • Let this home remedy work for three to four weeks, it works like poison. Termites multiply quickly and are then difficult to remove!
Professional at fighting termites

3. Other tips

Not all tips that are widely used on the Internet are actually effective. For example, spraying  gasoline on the wood does not achieve the desired result,  as this agent cannot penetrate deep enough into the wood where the termites are. In addition, the smell is unpleasant and gasoline is flammable.

Nor are  kerosene, motor oil and similar products recommended as they are easily combustible. 

4. Professional methods of destruction

As already mentioned, termites multiply quickly and are then very difficult to remove. In this case you should let professionals get to work. You can destroy the vermin because you have completely different methods to do so.

How can you prevent termites?

If you live in a place where termites are common, it is best to  avoid wooden furniture. However, if you still want wooden furniture, do some research, because the furniture can be treated accordingly.

Keeping your house clean, sanitizing can help, but it’s not a guarantee. Try to keep the wood dry and above all protect your water pipes. This is where the insects live and multiply – and usually very quickly.

The extermination of termites is not easy and requires a lot of patience. However, if you stay consistent, they will eventually go away. However, you have to react quickly before damage occurs that can no longer be repaired!

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