Keeping Your Eyes Healthy

The condition of your eyes reflects your inner health, so keeping your eyes healthy is very important.

Keeping your eyes healthy

This article is about keeping your eyes healthy. Have you ever noticed that more and more people you meet on the street are wearing glasses? This is not a fad, nor is it due to medical advances.

Rather, it is because we don’t care too much about our eyes and sight. By keeping your eyes healthy, you not only prevent wearing glasses, but also prevent other serious health problems.

Keeping your eyes healthy is a duty

There is more to eye care than drinking carrot juice, which is high in vitamin A and therefore good for eyesight. Whose grandparents never talked about how good carrots are for the eyes? And who has never been asked: “Or have you ever seen a rabbit with glasses?”

There is some truth to it. To keep your eyes healthy, you should consume relatively large amounts of this vitamin. Not only does vitamin A help prevent and fight infections, it also helps reduce optic nerve fatigue.

The latter happens very often these days, as the eyes are very strained for a long time in front of the computer, mobile phone, tablet and television screen. There are a number of natural remedies that can be very helpful in maintaining and improving your eyesight.

After all, it is one of the senses that we count on most in everyday life.

Keeping your eyes healthy is important


Tips for keeping your eyes healthy

First of all, you need to know that the eyes are part of the central nervous system and that it is therefore important that you eat healthily, avoid stress and take adequate breaks and rest periods. Other tips for keeping your eyes healthy include:

  • Eat foods that are high in minerals, such as fruits, vegetables, and seaweed.
  • Support the supply of your eyes with oxygen by moving regularly and consciously breathing slowly and deeply.
  • Try your nerve relaxation techniques. Yoga or Tai Chi, for example, help you find your inner self and bring your organ system into balance.

What symptoms indicate problems with the eyes?

In addition to impaired vision and the need to wear glasses, bad habits and existing imbalances between the organ systems, combined with a lack of eye care, can have the following consequences :

Increased production of sleeping sand

Such secretions collect in the corner of the eye and are particularly noticeable when we wake up. If you see more and more sleeping sand piling up in your eyes, it may be due to an excess of toxins in your body that the organism is trying to excrete somehow.

The solution to this problem is an adapted diet that detoxifies and purifies. In such a diet, dairy products, fried foods, sausages, sugar, and highly salted products should be avoided, while fresh foods and water should be consumed in large quantities.

Keeping your eyes healthy through good nutrition

eye bags

They can be caused by a lack of sleep, but also by insufficient blood flow in the area around the eyes or by an unsuitable diet. One surefire way to get rid of dark circles is to sit comfortably and look up with your eyes without moving your head.

Now open and close your eyes repeatedly, only moving your eyelids and not the eye itself. This technique stimulates the local blood circulation and invigorates the tissue structures around the eyes. Don’t forget to consume enough fresh food and drink plenty of water here too.

Puffy eyelids

This is not about the eyelids swelling when you wake up or when you have cried because you have personal problems, watched a sad movie, or just peeled an onion.

If your eyes look inflamed, it could be due to overwork or decreased kidney function. Are you using aggressive makeup or not removing your makeup properly? What can you do?

Get out in the fresh air and drink pineapple or orange juice for breakfast every day . Use gentle makeup and make sure you get enough restful sleep.

Barley grains

While there are people who claim they are caused by a virus that is in the air, stye is rather caused by an excess of toxins in the body or an unbalanced or excessive diet.

They can also reflect a lack of certain vitamins. Avoid the consumption of heavily salted or sweetened foods, fried and fatty products.

A home remedy for treating barley grains is to repeatedly place an object made of gold (a ring, for example) that has previously been warmed up a little.


Reddened, watery eyes

If you’ve spent several hours in front of the screen, or if you’ve been in an environment with heavily polluted air, if you’ve been out with contact lenses or glasses that have not been fitted all day, or if you haven’t slept well enough, you will have tired eyes.

They are likely to be reddened and tearful, with no further apparent cause. Your eyes need a break every now and then. To do this, close them for two minutes every hour if you’re working on a screen.

Use contact lenses for the designated two hours and keep them moist according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Drink more water and avoid polluted air.

Another reading tip for you:

That helps against dark circles under the eyes!

Lack of gloss

Some say of themselves that they have “poor vision”, which can be due to various factors :

  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Anemia
  • A disease
  • fatigue
  • Suppressed grief
  • Too many worries and obligations

One of the best ways to relieve tension is to exercise, take a walk in the fresh air, or see a psychologist.

Choose what works best for you. Also remember to eat healthy, get enough rest at night and not place too high demands on yourself and your body.

Keeping your eyes healthy through relaxation

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